Международная научная конференция ЮВА в СПбГУ-65

Международная научная конференция, посвященная 65-й годовщине начала изучения языков ЮВА в нашей стране 236 P. E. Moskalev aggression there (1964 — 1975) the Chinese Overseas also controlled a major part of local economic resources. They controlled up to 80 % of processing industry, almost 100 % of bulk trade, up to 50 % of retail trade and up to 90 % of all export trade of South Vietnam [Khanh 1999: 51]. In North Vietnam the number of the Chinese Overseas in the same years was much lower, their influence on the development of the country was also much weaker. In Thailand during the first half of the 1970s a student-led movement against the military dictatorship regime of ThanomKittikachorn gained momentum. Many activists of this movement were young people of Chinese descent. Therefore, it is possible to say, that the Chinese community at that time served as one of the sources of political opposition in Thai society. In Vietnam, after the final victory of the Northern forced in their fight with the Southern regime in April 1975, the whole country went on to develop as a unified socialist state. As a result of that, many of the Chinese Overseas, who resided in the South lost their dominating position in a number of sectors of the local economy. Since the second part of the 1970s the participation of the Chinese Overseas has drastically decreased in all the other spheres of social life inVietnam as well, that was the time when a major withdrawal of the Chinese capital and labor force from Vietnam took place. Many enterprises, organization and institutions, that had been created by the Chinese Overseas during the previous decades, particularly Chinese schools and hospitals were nationalized or closed all together. After the proclamation of the ‘reforms and openness’ ( 改革开放 ) policy in China in December 1978 г., Chinese immigration to Thailand once again began to increase. Nowadays the Chinese diaspora inThailand is considered to be one of the largest in the World in terms of number of people, who constitute it. The local Chinese community continues to evolve and, primarily, through births of children within families, founded by the Chinese Overseas. Such children, for the most part, are then brought up not only within the cultural traditions of their country of birth, but also by getting acquainted with the certain traditions of the Chinese culture. In Vietnam since 1985, the beginning of the policy of