Международная научная конференция ЮВА в СПбГУ-65

Международная научная конференция, посвященная 65-й годовщине начала изучения языков ЮВА в нашей стране 240 P. E. Moskalev In recent years the position of Chinese Overseas in Vietnam has once again become a little more complicated. The problem is the more Beijing presses Hanoi to make concessions, the more Hanoi gets closer to Washington [Kolotov 2019: 4], even though this kind of alliance might create new threats to its internal political stability [Kolotov 2019: 4]. One thing is certain, the intensification of contradictions between the Vietnamese and the Chinese governments can only have negative influence on the position and status of the Chinese Overseas currently living in Vietnam. Eventually, it is precisely the potential threat of geopolitical instability, that poses one of the major risks to how the Chinese communities in each of these countries will live and evolve. Whether their members might have to hide in plain sight, or freely express their ethnic background and heritage. Nowadays, Thailand and Vietnam have to permanently search for balance between the interests of China and of the USA within Southeast Asia. Quite often neither of those fully reflect their own, sovereign economic interests, which in turn are very closely tied to the reality of having large ethnic Chinese communities, who make up important parts of each societies. References 1. Haley, G. T., et al. New Asian Emperors: The Business Strategies of the Overseas Chinese. Singapore: Wiley. 2009 2. Khanh T. Kitajskaya etnicheskaya obshchina vo V'etname: problemy i tendencii evolyucii (s konca XIX do konca XX v.): dissertaciya…doktora istoricheskih nauk: 07.00.03. [Chinese ethnic community in Vietnam: problems and tendencies of evolution (from the late 19 th to the late 20 th centuries]. Hist. doct. diss.: 07.00.03. St. Petersburg, 1999. 3. Kolotov V. N. Spory vYUKM i vnutripoliticheskaya situaciya vo V'etname. [Disputes in the SCE and internal political situation in Vietnam] / Aziya i Afrika segodnya, № 7, 2019. P. 2–9. 4. Marshall T. Southeast Asia's new best friend. Published: June 17th, 2006. / Los Angeles Times // URL: https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2006-jun- 17-oe-marshall17-story.html 5. Thailand’s 50 Richest / Forbes // Режим доступа: https://www.forbes.com/ thailand-billionaires/list/#tab:overall