Международная научная конференция ЮВА в СПбГУ-65

Международная научная конференция, посвященная 65-й годовщине начала изучения языков ЮВА в нашей стране 310 Kharitonova A. M. the island and mainland of SoutheastAsia. This information is presented in the first notebook of the album. The talk discusses material on three countries of eastern Indochina— Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. They appear under the names Annam (Annan 安南 ), Lan Xang (Nanzhang 南 掌 ) and Cambodia (Dongpuzhai, 东埔 寨 ), respectively. The Vietnamese are shown in six paired drawings (families of officials, commoners and representatives of the Miao people), Lao — in four (families of officials and commoners), Khmers — in two (ordinary family). Information is first provided with geographical, then historical, and at the end ethnographic content in the descriptions attached to the drawings. In this you can trace the reiteration. The closer the state was to the Qing Empire, the more informative the description of it. Information about the Vietnamese and Laotians is voluminous; the Khmer is written concisely. In view of the immediate proximity of Annam and Lan Xang to the Qing Empire, descriptions of these states are distinguished by detailed historical background and details of ethnographic features. The history of relations with China occupies an important place in the historical parts of the description. In this case, factual errors and errors in the information about the ruling elites of the states can be noticed. In the ethnographic section, a description of peoples is given along the points: 1) male and female costumes; 2) distinctive attributes of the people (carrying weapons, the presence of a specific hairstyle); 3) household features, occupation (growing elephants, weaving the mats, salt production); 4) features of a national character. The woodcut offers important data for studying the ideas of the Chinese about the history and life of the peoples who inhabited the territory south of the Qing Empire.