Международная научная конференция ЮВА в СПбГУ-65

Международная научная конференция, посвященная 65-й годовщине начала изучения языков ЮВА в нашей стране 324 Bui Thi Thao a new strategy— the Engagement and Enlargement Strategy, gave more attention to EastAsia. However, involvement in theMiddle East prevented the U.S. fromconcentrating on SoutheastAsia—where developments are still considered “benign” by them and the role of ASEAN is still weak. In fact, the United States recognized Southeast Asia's strategic importance early, in the 1970s and 1980s, when they began to shift their strategy from West to East with the emergence of China after reform in 1978 but with low priority order. So the implementation concern on Southeast Asia took place slowly according to pragmatic thinking, focusing on selective problems and in a bilateral way. “The U.S. concerned with Southeast Asia in a situational rather than an unity area, focusing much on security and defense issues. America didn't pay more attention to the dynamism of this region”  1 . Even as a really important economic-trade partner of the United States (more important than Latin America, Russia, the Middle East and Africa)  2 , Southeast Asia is also not a main focus on the United States policy. The U.S. approach S.A. as a “second front“ in the global fight against terrorism along with most security-defense cooperation initiatives and agreements. The U.S. has not yet recognized theASEAN’s lead role in SoutheastAsia and realized that it is not necessary to promote comprehensive and full cooperation with ASEAN. This because of many reasons. Subjectively , the US still gives more priority to Northeast Asia over the entire Asia-Pacific policy. As for Southeast Asia, the US has not changed traditional thinking about its essential interest in this sub- region: security and politics continue to focus on the United States. As a result, the United States even “merely observes the area under the lens of terror”  3 and it seems that this greatest US’s concern has been 1 See Tommy Koh (2009), “The U.S. and Southeast Asia” in Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences and the Asia Foundation” (2009). The role of the US inAsia —The perspective ofAmerican andAsian scholars ” (2009), Publisher. Social Science, Hanoi, Vietnam, pp. 56. 2 Tommy Koh (2009), The role of the US in Asia —The perspective of American and Asian scholars”, pp. 57. 3 In 2002, the US and ASEAN issued a Joint US-ASEAN Declaration on Cooperation in Counter-Terrorism (August 2002), but with low effectiveness.