Международная научная конференция ЮВА в СПбГУ-65

Международная научная конференция, посвященная 65-й годовщине начала изучения языков ЮВА в нашей стране The Sunnylands Declaration (2016) and the US—ASEAN Relations... 325 resolved by traditional bilateral security alliances as well as economic agreements. Objectively , until the late 1990s, ASEAN’s integration level was still low and lax and was viewed by theAmerican authorities as a “ talk shop ” rather than / instead of an effective cooperation mechanism, has strong legal status. More importantly, China under Hu Jintao’s generation of leadership is still “hide and wait” in the trajectory of “peaceful development” (when China was still a “potential riva”, a creditor and a partner of the United States in the global coalition against terrorism) while the U.S. is facing “urgent war need” in the Middle East. That makes Southeast Asia and ASEAN a “strategic meeting point” instead of a “strategic partner”. Advances in US-ASEAN relations are evident from the second term of the G.W.Bush administration (2005–2008) when extreme unilateral foreign policy failed and multilateral tendencies in international relations is more focused by the US. This was also the period China pushed the “Asia of the Asians”  1 policy, strengthened negation, and moved towards replacing the underlying economic and security structures of the US in Southeast Asia with new ones dominated by China: the “new Security Concept” (calling for collective security cooperation in theARF instead of the “ColdWar structure” that implies the U.S.’s bilateral alliances); signed a framework decree to establish the ASEAN — China Free Trade Area (CAFTA— 2002). The mid-first decade of the 21st century was also the time the United States saw most clearly a decline in their role that risks becoming secondary asASEAN is increasinglymaturing and establishing / leading many important multilateral cooperation mechanisms that do not include the U.S. (ASEAN + 3, ASEAN + 1, EAS…). Facing this fact, the U.S. has tightened relations with ASEAN and the two sides have reached many cooperation agreements in the most important areas: Joint Vision Statement on StrengtheningASEAN— the U.S. Partnership (17–11–2005); the U.S. — ASEAN Framework 1 The word is used by Lycell Breckon in “China — Southeast Asia Relations: Beijing promotes the ”Asia of the Asians policy“”. Comparative Connections. Vol. 4, N. 3, October 2002 (quoted from TTTK on International Relations, July 2003).