Международная научная конференция ЮВА в СПбГУ-65

Международная научная конференция, посвященная 65-й годовщине начала изучения языков ЮВА в нашей стране 326 Bui Thi Thao Agreement on Trade and Investment (TIFA— 2006). The US's Senate also approved a resolution upholding 30 years of US—ASEAN relations (June, 2007), appointed the U.S.’s Ambassador to ASEAN (2007) and became the first ASEAN's dialogue partner to appoint ambassadors, opened the process of promoting the US—ASEAN relations. However, the absence of representatives of the U.S. administration in important ASEANmeetings has not convinced the confidence ofASEAN countries. Movements in the U.S. — ASEAN relations have become stronger under President Barack Obama (2009 — 2016). Along with the “Pivot to Asia — Pacific” policy (also known as the “Rebalance” strategy) in Asia, the Obama administration has shown their efforts to realize a “Comprehensive Asia Policy” with the complementary focus is on the SoutheastAsia sub-region.Accordingly, at the 3rdUS—ASEANSummit in Kuala Lumpur (November 2015), the United States and ASEAN upgraded their relations to strategic partnership; launched “Action Plan for the implementation of the ASEAN — US Strategic Partnership in the period of 2016–2020”, at the same time the two sides implemented many cooperative activities in many fields. In particular, the first time the U.S. hosted a special summit withASEAN countries in the U.S. land after nearly 40 years of cooperation and made the US-ASEAN Joint Declaration in Sunnylands, California. This was a diplomatic event with particularly important significance, demonstrated a strong adjustment of the U.S. policy towards Southeast Asia and the ASEAN organization. 2. Sunnylands Declaration (2016): the landmark movement of the U.S. —ASEAN Relations 2.1. The contents of the Sunnylands Declaration  1 In this section, we focus on analyzing two following issues: Main contents of the Sunnylands Declaration; Why is this declaration considered important? 1 Read the full document at: https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/the-press- office/2016/02/16/joint-statement-us-asean-special-leaders-summit-sunnylands- declaration.