Международная научная конференция ЮВА в СПбГУ-65

Международная научная конференция, посвященная 65-й годовщине начала изучения языков ЮВА в нашей стране 330 Bui Thi Thao For all the reasons mentioned, the Sunnylands Declaration marks a historic shift in US-ASEAN relations, considered by observers to be more important than similar statements (Russian — May 5, 2016; China — November, 2017 and India — January 2018) which were issued later. 3. The impact of the Sunnylands Declaration and future of the U.S. —ASEAN relations in coming decades of the twenty-first century 3.1. The Impact of the Sunnylands Declaration 3.1.1. For ASEAN countries The adoption of the Sunnylands Declaration with the world's leading great power shows the level of autonomy in the foreign policy of SoutheastAsian countries, the strong role ofASEAN as an organization represents the interests, will, and goals of SoutheastAsia countries . This not only has a direct impact onASEAN's intra-regional movement, but also affects the regional landscape and the shaping security architecture in the region. Accordingly, ASEAN countries recognize their greater role and responsibility for the development of the ASEAN association and the regional future. Collective strength through ASEAN's strong role will promote ASEAN countries to strengthen cooperation, increase consensus to resolve common issues of region in cooperating with great power partners . 3.1.2. For the United States of America For the U.S., the Sunnylands Declaration is a legal document reaffirming the fundamental principles to guide US —ASEAN relations in coming time. With the results achieved, the declaration is considered a strong commitment of the B. Obama administration and is the highest commitment ever by the US to ASEAN. Together with a host of other