Международная научная конференция ЮВА в СПбГУ-65

Международная научная конференция, посвященная 65-й годовщине начала изучения языков ЮВА в нашей стране The Sunnylands Declaration (2016) and the US—ASEAN Relations... 331 positive moves, this statement has shown real interest in both theory and practice in the context of Southeast Asia becomes central in America’s newAsia strategy. The Sunnylands Declaration is essentially the field development of an important US strategic goal in SoutheastAsia and EastAsia. Thereby, the US publicly asserted their leadership status and important role in the region, and explored the reaction and level of concern of competitors. Because of these, the U.S.’s move has quickly promoted another powers to adjust policy, first of all, China, Russia, Japan, India... towards ASEAN. Through their moves to promote ties with ASEAN by similar statements, these countries also identified with ASEAN their position in Southeast Asia. This reaction of the great powers helps the U.S. soon determine the necessary/ appropriate direction and methods to develop the US policy toASEAN. However, under the impact of increasing access to or increasing influence of another powers on ASEAN, the US — ASEAN relations in the coming decades will face many challenges. 3.2. The future of US — ASEAN relations in the early decades of the twenty-first century After the Sunnylands declaration, the B.Obama administration has made efforts to implement a number of important commitments in the diplomatic, economic and security fields. In which, it is noteworthy that the US proposed initiatives on economic integration  1 , organized many economic seminars to help the remaining ASEAN countries to join TPP…; actively participate in key meetings with ASEAN through the annual summit and the EAS Summit; there are many vigorously, openly and frequently acts of refuting China’s illegal conduct and ambition in the South China Sea... One question is, will the President D. Trump administration continue to pursue and realize the commitments made between the predecessor government and ASEAN? The unpredictable moves and “flickering” 1 Such as: EDGE initiative (Initiative for economic development through energy), ITAN initiative (Transactions and Infrastructure Initiative)…