Международная научная конференция ЮВА в СПбГУ-65

Международная научная конференция, посвященная 65-й годовщине начала изучения языков ЮВА в нашей стране 332 Bui Thi Thao policies of President D. Trump during the first time in office have caused people to doubt about the US commitment in implementing the goals of cooperation with ASEAN in The Sunnylands declaration, especially when D. Trump withdraws the US from the TPP, imposes economic sanctions (imposes anti-dumping duties) and declares the re-investigation of trade relations with 16 countries, includingASEAN coutries (Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam), sending a low- level delegation to the 7th ASEAN — U.S. Summit in 2019... People are concerned that the D. Trump government completely negates B. Obama’s Southeast Asia policy and returns to protectionism policy. However, these are only individual events, representing D. Trump’s typical behavior and method of action towards trade and alliances problems. The highest goal of the D.Trump administration and its successors is to make America “great again” and “America first.” Therefore, the US will continue the “Pivot toAsia” strategy, continuing to be present and maintaining the influence and interests in the Asia- Pacific, where Southeast Asia is a strategic focal point. This means that the U.S. will fulfill their commitments with ASEAN. However, the approach may be different from the B.Obama administration. In fact, the development of US—ASEAN relations under President D. Trump has proved that. In the National Security Strategy announced in December 2017, the D. Trump administration has positionedASEAN and APEC as the core and foundation of the US policy of gathering forces in the Indo-Pacific region. to promote a “liberal-based regional order”. At the 7th US — ASEAN Summit in Bangkok (Thailand, November 4, 2019), President D. Trump sent an inviting letter to leaders of 10ASEAN countries to attend a special summit in the US on a favorable occasion in 2020. This move dispels ASEAN's skepticism about the U.S. role under D. Trump administration. However, the future of US-ASEAN relations in the coming decades of the twenty-first century depends on many factors. In which, the three biggest factors are China, the US and ASEAN. From the US side, the biggest concrete objective factor is China ( in the general context of the world and regional situation). The strength of