Международная научная конференция ЮВА в СПбГУ-65

Международная научная конференция, посвященная 65-й годовщине начала изучения языков ЮВА в нашей стране 334 Bui Thi Thao of cooperation in more than 20 fields with 40 different mechanisms  1 . China is considered as the most important external partner of ASEAN today thanks to the results of their cooperation with ASEAN. Given the above reality, along withASEAN’s increasingly affirmed role in the Indo-Pacific regional structure, the US will continue to strengthen and actively promote to realize their commitments with ASEAN. In the context of strategic competition with other powers, especially with China in SoutheastAsia is increasingly strong; maritime security and economic security are threatened, we believe that: in the set of priorities for ASEAN, the US will pay more attention to national security interests, economic interests and increase soft power “Great America” for ASEAN. Accordingly, the US will promote and diversify ways of enhancing cooperation with ASEAN through two channels: bilateral and multilateral. 4. Conclusion The Sunnylands Declaration shows strong adjustments in the U.S. policy towards Southeast Asia in the following key areas: 1) Demonstrate America’s decisive determination to “return” to Southeast Asia; 2) Affirm Southeast Asia’s position as the center of the “Comprehensive Asia” policy of the U.S. instead of focusing on NortheastAsia and some individual interests in SoutheastAsia as before; 3) Emphasize economic cooperation as key interests/priority of the US in addition to efforts to strengthen cooperation in common security and maritime security; 4) The U.S.’s approach to Southeast Asia moves from bilateral to multilateral and focuses on both at the same time. With adopting such an important document, the 4th U.S. — ASEAN Summit and the Sunnylands Declaration were seen as a groundbreaking diplomatic message that demonstrates the determination of the B. Obama administration in shaping the U.S. policy towards ASEAN and Southeast Asia in the early decades of the twenty-first century, 1 Seen My, Nguyen Thu; Hoang, Đam Huy; Hiep, Tran Xuan (2016). 25 years ASEAN — China Relations — Processes, Achievements and Issues, The World Publishing House, Hanoi, Vietnam, pp.11.