Международная научная конференция ЮВА в СПбГУ-65
Международная научная конференция, посвященная 65-й годовщине начала изучения языков ЮВА в нашей стране 358 Le Vu Truong Qiang, Duong Quang Hiep A conspicuous feature is that Southeast Asian political subjects mostly encourage trade and exchanges with the West in the form of pure trade. However, illegal exploration activities, violent acts and the political conspiracy behind the trade and evangelical crust have pushed relations between the two sides to different levels and states of relations. 2. To the prudent attitudes and cautious diplomatic When the political ambitions to invade Southeast Asia of Western colonialism began by covering under economic needs, some countries in the region were aware of the potential risks. Political subjects in Southeast Asia began to implement their responding policies. Vietnam during the Nguyen Dynasty, the Chakri Dynasty in Thailand, the Kingdom of Johor and the Kingdom of Meleka all had diplomatic actions to preventWestern invasion. Preventive diplomacy is manifested by clever behavior, limited communication, specifically through the closure and opening up in some areas of foreign trade and mission. Even some countries are so wary that they only accept foreign trade and prohibit missions like Vietnam. In Vietnam, by the eighteenth century, the commercial activity decreased in both Dang Trong and Dang Ngoai. Along with trade with Western countries, Catholicism also began to be introduced into Dai Viet. The Trinh lords and the Nguyen lords did not want the presence of this religion, so there was little support. In 1802, Nguyen Anh, with the support of a number of French, defeated the Tay Son Dynasty to establish a new dynasty. The Nguyen Dynasty proved to be a dynasty with close relationships to some French groups. When coming to power (1802), Gia Long maintained the policy of “ trying to maintain a good relationship with France within the allowable capacity .”[4] The precautionary policy was implemented by the Nguyen kings from Gia Long to Tu Duc to escape from the colonial “pincers”. The Nguyen dynasty “ while still defending against the West such as controlling ships, carrying out defenses in dangerous places like Hai Phong, Da Nang, Thi Nai, Con Lon,... it still creates conditions for the Western merchants to trade ...”[5] In particular, the policy of precaution at a
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