Международная научная конференция ЮВА в СПбГУ-65
Международная научная конференция, посвященная 65-й годовщине начала изучения языков ЮВА в нашей стране Behavioral Manner of Political Subjects in The Southeastern Asian Region... 365 were the tribal form in the Philippines in a primitive state, not yet reaching the level of civilization compared to other countries in the region. J. S. Furnivall later called it “ multi-ethnic society ”[16] when more Chinese and other islanders resided. However, resistance was still taking place in these primitive tribes. The uprisings of the mountain tribal groups in northern Luzon and the coastal areas occasionally occur, because of the cruel punishment, heavy taxes and wrongdoing of the Spaniards. Muslims continue to resist in the southern islands of Mindanao. This was the first protest of the islanders. It was clear from the beginning that Spain was not well-received. In the end of the sixteenth century, the archipelago was almost entirely in the hands of Spanish colonialists. Despite this, the protest of the Philippines was in fact not a major obstacle to Spain because most were small and local. From the middle of the nineteenth century, marking the awakening of the Philippines people with many uprisings, special revolutionary movements after the time of 1898. General assessment of the behavioural manner of political subjects in the Philippines was the “reluctant opening” of Western values and local resistance, lack of system, did not change the situation of the country and finally accepts to be a colony for Spain during many long centuries. In addition, other special cases, appearing as vulnerable political subjects, have had dependent behavioural manners and lack of resistance of the ruling class. We would like to denote as following. The case of Cambodia : from the middle of the 17th century on wards, Cambodia became seriously weakened before two mighty neighbors, Siam and Dang Trong (Vietnam). The residence of Vietnamese in the Mekong Delta in the early 17th century led to a territory becoming the land of Lord Nguyen. In the west, Thais continued to invade and annex Battambang and Siem Reap provinces into Siamese territory. When the French came to Indochina to protect Cambodia since the treaty on August 11, 1863, gradually imposed their influence, rejecting the intervention of Siam. As a result, a power competition in Cambodia took place between France and Siam, while Cambodia had no counter- reaction to the “chess board of situation” being arranged. Finally, the
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