Международная научная конференция ЮВА в СПбГУ-65
Международная научная конференция, посвященная 65-й годовщине начала изучения языков ЮВА в нашей стране Behavioral Manner of Political Subjects in The Southeastern Asian Region... 367 This reluctant openness and acceptance of the dependency determined the historical fate of nations and territories in Southeast Asia that either were born or were colonized and subjected to heavy exploitation by Western colonialism. 6. Conclusion During nearly four centuries of penetration and colonization in SoutheastAsia, Western colonial countries were faced with the different behavioural manners of Southeast Asian political subjects. Historical reality shows that many behavioural manners are implemented depending on the political position of each subject. The political subject as a strong state implements clever and tough policies and actions. Weak subjects have a passive behavioural manner and are more easily conquered. Territories that do not yet have a state polity are not uniformly behaved but the majority had few political opinions and were easily colonized. Strong states in Southeast Asia behave differently from small states. The toughness of states is built on the basis of a political, economic and military power in the face of Western invasion. But depending on the time and the stage, that action may change. Most of the tough behavioural manners caused major wars that most of Southeast Asian countries failed and were colonized. It is clear that the Western power on the side of military is strength as well as the ability to wage war to win prevailed over Southeast Asian countries. The first states such as Melaka, Bantaram, Vietnam, and Burma, etc. had drastically anti-Western attitudes that eventually lost their independence. The attitude of political subjects in Southeast Asia to the intrusion of Western colonialism is a combination of many factors, including cultural values, religions, political position and military power of each subject, stipulating the behavioural actions of each subject over time. Although the end result was not as expected, the protests of the peoples of Southeast Asian countries embody patriotism in the process of fighting against Western colonialism.
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