Международная научная конференция ЮВА в СПбГУ-65

Международная научная конференция, посвященная 65-й годовщине начала изучения языков ЮВА в нашей стране Чамский акаят «Дева мано»: литературные и религиозные особенности 37 V. R. Atnashev (North West Institute of Management, RANEPA, St. Petersburg, vatnash@hotmail.com ) CHAM AKAYET “DEVA MANO”: LITERATURE AND RELIGIOUS SPECIFICS Abstract: The report discusses features of one of the main literature works of Chams of East Indochina that is poorly studied. The plot of “Dewa Mano” is borrowed from the Malay literature (Hikayat “Dewa Mandu”). The author gives a brief summary of the Dewa Mano’s plot, characteristics of its genre and poetic features, and compares it with the Malay original version. The influence of Islam in the Cham text appears to a lesser extent, that can be explained by the influence of the Cham religious syncretism. “Dewa Mano” has every ground to be considered a national epic. Keywords: Champa, Hikayat, Malay, mythology, Islam