Актуальные вопросы тюркологических исследований

Актуальные вопросы тюркологических исследований 354 language of the poet using also vocabulary of Arabic and Persian origins based in former times of different linguistic, cultural and historical environment. The lit- erary translators venturing to translate the poems of Magtymguly into foreign languages will need an ample preparation demanding an adequate background knowledge in order to present an appropriate version of the works of the great Turkmen poet in their target language which normally used to be their mother tongue. Considering future attempts and intentions of the subject area “Transla- tion Studies” in our Western Universities, one important point of research is to determine and find an adequate theory of translation useful for students and fu- ture translators. Here we must distinguish between the translation of general texts concerning political, economical, juridical, journalistic, technical and other items of short life, and literary and specially poetic translations, which are nor- mally conceived and published for a long time. In the frame of general translation you can find already some suitable theories, which are often considered and used by translators of this kind of general texts. On the other hand, disscussing and studying the different theories of the researchers in the context of literary or spe- cially poetic translation we should like to agree with the opinion of some relevant scholars trying to find an answer to the question and are coming finally to the following conclusions: For example, during one of the conferences, which re- cently were organized by the RussianWriters’ Union taking place in Moscow and Jerevan (Armenia) Jacques Goetchalk, Leader of the Department of Translation of the European Comission in Luxemburg, in his paper: “Que peut-on attendre d´une théorie de la traduction?” came to the following findings: “Depuis des siècles des traductions sont faites. Mais jusqu´ à présent personne ne sait exacte- ment comment elles sont faites ni pourquoi on les considère comme bonnes ou mauvaises. Il existe des critères d’évaluation mais ils sont encore très vagues”. “Il est certain que toute définition élaborée dans l’état actuel de nos connaissances sera fatalement incomplète et en partie incorrecte”. The Russian poet and impor- tant translator of Spanish poetry into Russian S. Gonsharenko shared the opinion that strickly speaking there don’t existe general theories which can be applied translating poems, and each translator must find his own way and strategy. In- stead of the numerous studies done by researchers of this item in our opinion no applicable solution has been reached. So our personal statement will be that until today does not existe a suitable theory of literarary and especially poetic transla- tion. During our profesional activity we experienced the important responsabil- ity and challenge which literary translators must bear. Especially with poetic translations they must decide between a prosa version or a versified recreation into their target language. In the latter case they will be responsible for some nessesary semantic variations if they decide to offer a new rhymed version in another language. Translating the poems of Magtymguly into Spanish and Ger-