Актуальные вопросы тюркологических исследований
Актуальные вопросы тюркологических исследований 494 Nowadays, Uzbek people are receiving Uyghur-Chinese or Kazak-Chinese bilingual education in XUAR. Thus, young generations of Uzbek are Uyghur- Chinese or Kazak-Chinese bilinguals, and some of them are Uyghur-Kazak- Chinese multi-linguals. In addition, they also learn foreign languages, such as Russian, English, and Arabic. However, a small portion of Uzbeks still try to remain their mother tongue by reading books, listening to music, watching films, and also by interacting with their relatives in Uzbekistan. The texts presented here are examples of Uzbek as spoken in China. It be- longs to a collection recorded in different places of XUAR in China during the summer of 2010 and 2011. Text 1 provides information on Uzbeks and their language situation in Xinjiang. In text 2, the speaker introduces his family, also calls the Uzbek community to learn their mother tongue and use it in the fa- mily. Text 1. Uzbeks in Xinjiang Metadata Gender: female Age: 79 Birthplace: Khotan city, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China. Language competence: Uyghur language fluent, Uzbek language fluent, Chinese language intermediate level. Education background: university. Family background: The informant grew up in Khotan, he speaks Uyghur in the family, Uyghur and Chinese outside the family. He speaks Uzbek when it is needed, such as meeting someone from Uzbekistan. He moved to Urumqi after graduating from the university. Date of record: August, 2010. Place of record: Urumqi, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China. T1/1 Šin ǰ aŋ‑dä ottus nečči‑nči yil‑i nopus täkšü‑di Xinjiang‑loc thirty how many‑ord year‑ poss3sg census carry out‑past3 “In Xinjiang, there was a census in the thirties”. T1/2 nupus-ta žig ɨ rm ä näčči‑n ǰ i žil-i bo‑γačqa is‑im‑dä yoq population‑loc twenty howmany ‑ ord year ‑poss3sg bol.cop ‑gačqa. conv memory ‑ poss1sg ‑loc non existing “In census, because it was in the twentieth I don’t remember”.
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