Актуальные вопросы тюркологических исследований

495 Actual Problems of Turkic Studies T1/3 Šin ǰ aŋ‑dä ikki miŋ‑ ɨ n ǰ i žil‑i‑dä-gi-n Özbek a:l ɨ ‑ s ɨ ‑ n ɨ ŋ san ‑ i Xinjiang ‑ loc two thousand ‑ ord year‑poss3sg ‑ loc-gi-n Uzbek population– poss3sg‑gen number– poss3sg on iki miŋ säkkiz yüz q ɨ r ɨ q‑tä ten two thousand eight hundred fourty ‑ class “In Xinjiang, in the year of 2000, the number of Uzbek population was twelve thousand eight hundred and forty”. T1/4 bu xäl ɨ q‑n ɨ ŋ köp qїsm‑ ɨ Ili rayon‑ ɨ ‑ dä yäšä‑y‑d ɨ this people‑gen most part‑poss3sg Ili region‑poss3sg ‑ loc live ‑ a.pres ‑ 3 “The majority of these people live in Ili region”. T1/5 Ɣ ul ǰ ä šähr‑i‑dä yaš ǝ ‑ yät-kän Özbek ‑lä‑n ɨ ŋ san‑i alti miŋ‑ta* yet‑ä‑di Ghulja city ‑poss3sg ‑loc live‑yat.intra. hfoc-gan.ptcp Uzbek ‑pl‑gen number ‑poss3sg six thousand ‑loc up to ‑a.pres ‑ 3 “The number of Uzbeks who are living in Ghulja city is up to six thousand”. * Here -ta is the locative marker, it is a characteristic of its old usage where locative case is used as the dative case. T1/6 bu Šin ǰ aŋ‑dä-gi Özbek a:lä‑s ɨ ‑ n ɨ ŋ oturaqläš- iš‑i‑ni nispätlä‑n -dir‑gändä this Xinjiang ‑loc-gi Uzbek population ‑poss3sg‑gen settel‑coop- poss3sg‑acc propotion ‑pass‑caus -ganda.conv täxminän yätmiš pirsänt‑ ɨ ‑ n ɨ täškil it‑ä‑d ɨ approxi- mately seventy percentage ‑poss3sg‑acc amount to make. lightv‑a. pres ‑ 3 “When this (number) calculated with the population of Uzbeks in Xinjiang in terms of percentage, it consists about seventy percent”. T1/7 bun‑dän qal‑sä ǰ änup ‑tä xususän Yärkänt ‑tä üč miŋ‑tä ‑dän köp Özbek yäšä ‑y‑di this‑abl remain ‑hyp3 south ‑loc especially Yarkend ‑loc three thousand ‑class‑abl lot Uzbek live ‑a. pres ‑ 3