Актуальные вопросы тюркологических исследований

Актуальные вопросы тюркологических исследований 496 “After this, in the South, mostly in Yarkend, there live more than three thousand Uzbeks”. T1/8 bu Özbäk a:lä ‑ s ɨ ‑ n ɨ ŋ zičlig ‑ i ǰ ähät ‑ dän al ‑ gändä iški ‑ n ǰ i orun ‑ dä tur ‑ a ‑ d ɨ this Uzbek population ‑ poss3sg ‑gen density ‑ poss3sg aspect ‑ abl take ‑ganda. conv two ‑ord place ‑ loc to be found-a. pres ‑ 3 “With respect to density, the Uzbek population is in the second place”. T1/9 qalävär-sä Gučuŋ nayä ‑ s ɨ ‑ dä b ɨ r m ɨ ŋ besides-hyp3 Qitai county‑ poss3sg-loc one thousand išk:i yüz ‑ tä ‑ dän art ɨ q Özbek yašä ‑ y ‑ di two hundred-class-abl more Uzbek live‑a.pres ‑ 3 “Besides, in Qitai county lives more than one thousand and two hundred Uzbeks”. T1/10 bu üč ‑ in ǰ i orun ‑ dä tur ‑ a ‑ d ɨ this three-ord place-loc to be found ‑ a.pres ‑ 3 “This is to be found in the third place”. T1/11 bun ‑ dän qal ‑ sä Ürümči Qäšqär Qar ɣ äl ɨ q Xotän qätärli this‑abl remain-hyp3 Urumqi Kashgar Kargalik Khotan and so on na:iyä šähär ‑ lär ‑ dä yäm Özbek ‑ lär köp olturaqläš ‑ gän county city-pl-loc also Uzbek-pl many settle-gan. postt3 “Moreover, many Uzbeks are living in counties and cities, such as Urumqi, Kashgar, Qarghalik, Khotan etc.”. T1/12 Özbäk ‑ lär ‑ niŋ ǰ uŋgo ‑ Ɣ a kel-ip i ǰ dimayi ǰ ähät ‑ dän olturaqläš ‑ gän ‑ i ‑ gä Uzbek-pl-gen China-dat come-ip. conv social aspect- abl settle-gan. ptcp- poss3sg-dat b ɨ r m ɨ ŋ iški yüz ž ɨ l ‑ dän artїq one thousand two hundred year-abl more ‘It has been more than one thousand and two hundred years for Uzbeks socially (historically) come and settled down in China.’