Актуальные вопросы тюркологических исследований

Актуальные вопросы тюркологических исследований 498 T1/17 savatl ɨ q-lär- ɨ xät yaz-gändä Özbek t ɨ l- ɨ -dä yaz-iš-ärd ɨ literate-pl-poss3sg letter write -ganda.conv Uzbek language -poss3sg-loc talk-coop-ärdi. pasthabit3 “When literate people wrote, they wrote in Uzbek”. T1/18 yig ɨ rm ɨ -nči äs ɨ r-n ɨ ŋ q ɨ r ɨ q- ɨ nči ällig-inči yil-lär-i-dän itibarän twenty-ord century-gen forty-ord fifty-ord year-pl- poss3sg-abl since özbek t ɨ l- ɨ -dä sözli-š-ädigän vä Özbek t ɨ l Uzbek language- poss3sg-loc speak- coop- adigan.ptcp and Uzbek language yaz-ädigän k ɨ ši-lär tädri ǰ i azlä-š-gä bašlä-di write- adigan.ptcp person-pl gradually reduce-iš. vn-dat start-past3 “Since 40’s and 50’s of 20 th century, people who spoke and write in Uzbek started to reduce gradually”. T1/19 haz ɨ rki vaqït-tä yaš-i atm ɨ š-tän alqi-gän now.gi time-loc age-poss3sg sixty-abl over-gan.ptcp qeriyä-lä-dän bäšqä-si Özbeg t ɨ l- ɨ -dä söyla-mä-y-d ɨ old person-pl-abl other-poss3sg Uzbek language- poss3sg-loc speak-neg-a. pres-3 “Nowadays, people, except the elders who are over sixty years old, do not speak in Uzbek”. T1/20 ǰ uŋgo-dä-gi Özbek-lä-n ɨ ŋ itnik tärkiv-i-dä Uy ɣ ur-läš-iš China-loc-gi Uzbek-pl-gen ethnic component- poss3sg-loc Uyghur-der- iš.vn Qazaq-läš-iš vä Q ɨ r ɣ ɨ z-läš-iš köp kör- ɨ l-ä-d ɨ Kaza k-der-iš.vn and Kirgiz-der- iš.vn many see-pass- a.pres-3 “The ethnic components of Uzbeks in China are more like Uyghur, Kazak and Kirgiz”. T1/21 šu säbäp-dän Özbek-lä-n ɨ ŋ köp q ɨ sm-i that reason-abl Uzbek-pl-gen many part-poss3sg üč m ɨ llät t ɨ l- ɨ -dä sözli-š-ä-d ɨ three nationality language-poss3sg-loc speak-coop- a.pres-3 “Because of that reason, most of Uzbeks speak in these three nationalities’ languages”.