Актуальные вопросы тюркологических исследований

501 Actual Problems of Turkic Studies big big book-pl- acc read-iš. vn-acc learn - gan . postt -1 sg “Because of this when I was six years old, whether because of we lived at the school, or because of other reasons, I learned Cyrillic scripts before I entered the school, I learned to read some big books”. T2/9 män yätt ɨ yaš mäzgil-im-dä m ɨ ŋ I seven age period-poss1sg-loc thousand b ɨ r kičä roman- ɨ -ni oqu-p püt-t ɨ r-gän one night novel-poss3sg-acc read-ip.conv finish-caus -gan. postt3 “When I was seven, I finished reading of the novel ‘One thousand nights”. T2/10 öt-kän kün-lä Navayi qatarl ɨ q kitap-lär-n ɨ oqu- ɣ an past-gan.ptcp day-pl Navoiy as such book-pl-acc read-gan.postt3 “I read books such as ‘The past days’, ‘Navoyi’ etc.”. T2/11 šün-dän bašla-p oqu-š-gä ǰ üdäyäm q ɨ z ɣ ɨ n-i-di-m that-abl start-ip.conv read-iš.vn -dat quite feverish-i.cop-past-1sg “Since then, I was very much interested in study”. T2/12 oquš-n ɨ Özbeg mäktäp- dän bašla-p ügün-üp šün- dän ottur mäktäp-n ɨ study-acc Uzbek school- abl start-ip. conv learn-ip. conv that- abl middle school-acc bit-t ɨ r-gän- din kiyin b ɨ r qanč ɨ ali mäktäp- lär-dän ikki ali mäktäp- n ɨ oqu-du-m finish- caus-gan. ptcp-abl after. postp one how many college- pl-abl two univer- sity-acc read-past- 1sg “I started study from Uzbek school, then, after I finished middle school, a few colleges, I studied at two colleges”. T2/13 bittä-si Šin ǰ y aŋ mar ɨ p instot-i one.class-poss3sg Xinjiang education institute-poss3sg “One of them was Xinjiang Educational Institute”.