Актуальные вопросы тюркологических исследований

Актуальные вопросы тюркологических исследований 502 T2/14 Šin ǰ y aŋ mar ɨ p instot- ɨ -n ɨ b ɨ t-t ɨ r- gän-dän keyin Šin ǰ y aŋ Xinjiang education institute- poss3sg- acc finish- caus- gan- ptcp-abl after.postp Xingjiang pidagokikä instot-i-dä ikki yil b ɨ l ɨ m aš-ur-d ɨ -m normal institute- poss3sg- loc two year knowledge raise-caus-past- 1sg “After finishing Xinjiang Educational Institute, I studied in Xinjiang Normal Institute (now is University) for two years”. T2/15 šün-dän bašla-p Ili käspi that-abl start-ip.conv Ili professional instot-i-dä oqutquči b ɨ län šu ɣ ull ɨ n- ɨ wat- ɨ -män institute- poss3sg-loc teacher bilän.postp engage-iwat.intra.hfoc-i. cop-1sg “Since then I am engaging in teaching in Ili Vocational and Technical College”. T2/16 häm aylä-dä yäm bal-lär-n ɨ and family-loc also child-pl-acc pärzänt-lär-n ɨ tärbiylä-š-kä häm köŋül böl-dü-m child-pl-acc educate-iš.vn- dat also concern-past-1sg “And in the family, I also concern about my children’s education”. T2/17 ballar- ɨ m-n ɨ ŋ ič-i-dä bittä-si Ili pidagokikä child.pl - poss1sg-gen in-poss3sg- loc one.class-poss3sg Ili normal instot- ɨ -n ɨ b ɨ t-t ɨ r- ɨ p haz ɨ r Ili käspi institute- poss3sg-acc finish-caus- ip.conv now Ili professional instot-i-dä oqutquči bo-g y än ɨ -d ɨ institute- poss3sg-loc teacher bol.cop-gan.ptcp i.cop-past3 “Among my children, one of them finished Ili Normal Institute, now worked as a teacher in Yili Vocational and Technical college”.