Актуальные вопросы тюркологических исследований

503 Actual Problems of Turkic Studies T2/18 yaq ɨ n-dä aspiräntor-lik imtihan-i-gä qatniš-ip imtan-d ɨ n öt-üp near-loc master-der exam- poss3sg-dat attend-ip. conv exam- abl pass-ip.conv Dali y an täbi:pän-lär univirst- ɨ -n ɨ ŋ aspirantoriyä käsp-i-n- dä oqu-wat-i-du Dalian natural science-pl university- poss3sg-gen master pro- fession- poss3sg- n-loc read-iwat. pres-i.cop-3 “Recently, she attended the master’s exam, passed the exam, studying in a Master’s program at Dalian Polytechnic University”. T2/19 min ɨ ŋ orta ɣ - ɨ m Günäryäm häm Šin ǰ y aŋ univirst- ɨ -ni b ɨ t-t ɨ r- ɨ p I.gen medium- poss1sg Guneryem also Xinjiang university- poss3sg- acc finish-caus- ip.conv haz ɨ r Ili käspi inistot- ɨ - n ɨ ŋ säyasät oqutquči-si bop now Ili professional institute- poss3sg- gen politics teacher- poss3sg bol.cop. ip.conv šu ɣ ull ɨ n- ɨ p šu-n ɨ ŋ v ɨ län b ɨ rgä ballär- ɨ -ni tärbilä-p tur- ɨ vat- ɨ -d ɨ engage- ip.conv that-gen bilän. postp together child.pl - poss3sg- acc educate-ip. conv stand. postv- iwat.pres-i. cop-3 “My middle child Gunaryem, she also finished Xinjiang University, now she is working as a politics teacher at Ili Vocational and Technical college, at the same time she is educating her children”. T2/20 q ɨ z- ɨ m häm Ili pidagokikä inistot- ɨ -n ɨ bit-t ɨ r-gän daughter-poss1sg also Ili normal institute- poss3sg-acc finish-caus-gan. postt3 “My (youngest) daughter also finished Ili Normal Institute”. T2/21 haz ɨ r ǰ ämiyät-tä x ï zmät q ɨ p tur-up-tu Now society - loc work do . lightv . ip . conv tur . postv - ip . conv -3 “Now she is working in the society”.