Актуальные вопросы тюркологических исследований

505 Actual Problems of Turkic Studies “There, our language was quite good”. T2/25 qayt- ɨ p kä-gän-din kiyin b ɨ z bašq ɨ millät-lä back-ip.conv come-gan. ptcp-abl after.postp we other nationality- pl bilän b ɨ rgä arläš bar-iš-kil-iš q ɨ l-gän-lig- im ɨ z üčün bilän.postp together mixed go-iš.vn- come-iš. vn do.lightv- gan.ptcp -der- poss1pl for.postp bäz ɨ -dä öz- ɨ m ɨ z-n ɨ ŋ til- ɨ -n ɨ unt-up qal- ɨ yäp- m ɨ z some-loc self -poss1pl- gen language- poss3sg-acc forget-ip. conv remain. lightv- ayäp.intra. hfoc.-1pl “After coming back, because we mixed and interact with other nationalities, sometimes, we are forgetting our own language”. T2/26 likin ayl ɨ -dä täläb- ɨ m ɨ z öz anä t ɨ l- ɨ -dä sözlü-š-üš but family-loc request- poss1pl self mother language- poss3sg-loc speak-coop-iš. vn “But in the family our request is to speak in mother tongue”. T2/27 b ɨ r m ɨ llät m ɨ llät bol-uš üčün ald- ɨ one nationality nationality bol.cop-iš.vn for. postp front-poss3sg v ɨ län öz ɨ -n ɨ ŋ t ɨ l- ɨ -n ɨ b ɨ l- ɨ š keräk bilän. postp self-gen language- poss3sg-acc know-iš.vn should “As a nationality, (people) should know (her/his) own language in the first place”. T2/28 t ɨ l-n ɨ unt-up qa-sa u m ɨ llät-kä väkil-lik q ɨ l-ama-y-d ɨ language- acc forget- ip.conv qal. lightv- hyp3 he/she nationality- dat representative- der do-abil.neg- pres-3 “If one forgets the language, she/he cannot represent that nationality”.