Актуальные вопросы тюркологических исследований

Актуальные вопросы тюркологических исследований 506 T2/29 šu-niŋ üčün bašq ɨ orun-dä u that-gen for.postp other place-loc that t ɨ l-n ɨ išlät-mä-sä yäm aylä-dä šu-n ɨ language-acc use-neg-hyp3 also family-loc that-acc išlät-iš-kä ǰ üdä koŋul böl-üš keräk use-iš.vn -dat very concern-iš.vn should “Therefore, though this language is not used in other places, (one) should concern about using that language in family”. T2/30 šu-n ɨ ŋ üčün ay ɨ lä iŋ muyim orun-dä tur-ä-d ɨ that-gen for.postp family the most important place-loc to be found- pres-3 “Therefore, family is at the most important position”. T2/31 b ɨ z mušu iš tüpäyl ɨ -d ɨ n ay ɨ l ɨ -m ɨ z-dä pärzänt-lä we this matter because-abl family-poss1pl- loc child-pl ara b ɨ z Özbek til- ɨ n-dä sözl ɨ -š-üp tur-äp-t ɨ -m ɨ z among we Uzbek language- poss3sg-loc speak-coop-ip. conv stand.postv-ip. postt-ti.cop-1pl “we because of this matter, in our family among children we often speak in Uzbek”. T2/32 öt-kän yil- ɨ aptun ɨ m rayon Bey ǰ iŋ-din past-gan.ptcp year-poss3sg autonomous region Beijing-abl kä-gän mihman-la häm üy-gä kä-gän-din come-gan.ptcp guest-pl also house-dat come-gan.ptcp- abl kiyin jüdähäm hursänt bol-di after.postp quite happy bol.cop-past3 “Last year when the guests from (Xinjiang) Autonomous Region and Beijing came to our home, they were so happy”.