Актуальные вопросы тюркологических исследований

507 Actual Problems of Turkic Studies T2/33 s ɨ lä-n ɨ ŋ kičik-kinä ay ɨ l ɨ -dä häm Özbek you.pl- gen small-dim family-loc also Uzbek til- ɨ bar ikän dä-p b ɨ z-gä language- poss3sg existence i.cop.indir say-ip.conv we-dat Özbek-čä sözlü-š-üp bäz ɨ su’al-lär-ni tašlä-di Uzbek-equa speak-coop-ip. conv some question-pl-acc throw-past3 “In your small family the Uzbek language is exist, they said, they spoke Uzbek to us, asked some questions”. T2/34 b ɨ z häm šu su’al-lär-gä Özbek-či ǰ awap ber-di-k We also that question-pl-dat Uzbek-equa answer-past-1pl “We answered those questions in Uzbek”. T2/35 bun-d ɨ n kiyin häm pärzänt-lä häm kiyin-ki this-abl after.postp also child-pl also after-gi äwlat-l ɨ r- ɨ m ɨ z-gä ayt-äd ɨ g ɨ n- ɨ m ɨ z sen Özbek bo- ɣ än-din kiyin generation- pl-poss1pl- dat speak- adegan. ptcp-poss1pl you Uzbek bol.cop-gan. ptcp-abl after. postp anä t ɨ l- ɨ ŋ-n ɨ ügün-üš-ni unt-up qa-ma mother language- poss2sg-acc learn-iš. vn-acc forget-ip. conv remain.postv- neg.imp “From now, to both children and generations, what we want to say is as you are Uzbek, do not forget to learn your mother tongue”. T2/36 sen ɨ ŋ til- ɨ ŋ šu Özbek-či č ɨ q-qan-dän kiyin ald- ɨ you.poss2sg language- poss2sg that Uzbek- equa come out-gan. ptcp-abl after. postp front- poss3sg v ɨ län ayli-dä sän öz t ɨ l- ɨ ŋ-n ɨ išlät bilän. postp family- loc you self langauge-poss2sg- acc use.imp “As you start talking in the Uzbek language, in the first place use your own language in your family”.