Актуальные вопросы тюркологических исследований

Актуальные вопросы тюркологических исследований 508 T2/37 bašq ɨ iš-lär-dä mäs ɨ län bašq ɨ other matter-pl-loc for example other t ɨ l-lär-ni ügün-üš bu to ɣ rä language-pl-acc learn-iš.vn this right “In other matters, for example, to learn other languages is right”. T2/38 mäs ɨ län b ɨ z čoŋ däwlät-tä yašä-gän- ɨ m ɨ z undaq-ta for example we big country-loc live-gan.ptcp- poss1pl that.equa-loc b ɨ z Xänzu t ɨ l- ɨ -ni yäm ügün-üš-üm ɨ z keräk we Chinese language- poss3sg-acc also learn-iš.vn - poss1pl should “For example, since we live in such a big country, we should learn Chinese as well”. T2/39 täräqqiyät- ɨ -n ɨ közli-sä-k b ɨ z Ingl ɨ s t ɨ l-i development- poss3sg-acc pay attention- hyp-1pl we English language- poss3sg bašq ɨ häm čät til-lär-n ɨ ügün-üš-ki other also foreign language-pl-acc learn-iš.vn- dat yäm köŋül böl-üš- im ɨ z keräk also concern- coop-poss1pl should “If we pay attention to the development, we should also concern about learning English and other foreign languages”. T2/40 šündaq bo- ɣ an-da b ɨ r m ɨ llät täräqqi q ɨ l-ä-d ɨ that.equa bol.cop-gan. ptcp-loc one nationality develop do.lightv-pres-3 “In this way, one nationality will develop (develops)”. T2/41 öz ald-i-gä yiganä täräqqi self front-poss3sg-dat alone develop q ɨ - ɣ än m ɨ llät bo-me-y-d ɨ do.lightv-gan.ptcp nationality bol.cop-neg-pres-3 “No nationality can develop on it’s own alone”.