Актуальные вопросы тюркологических исследований

509 Actual Problems of Turkic Studies T2/42 m ɨ llät-lä bar-iš-kel-iš arq ɨ l ɨ q täräqqiyat-q ɨ eriš-i-du nationality-pl go-iš.vn-come-iš.vn through development-dat achive-pres-3 “Nationalities achieve development through interaction”. T2/43 šu-nuŋ üčün t ɨ l ügün-iš yaxši that-gen for.postp language learn-iš.vn good iš ǰ üdäyäm köŋül bül-üš keräk matter quite concern-iš.vn should “Therefore, learning language is a good thing, (one) should concern about it”. T2/44 šu-n ɨ ŋ üčün b ɨ z mäyli qäddä oylä-y-li that-gen for.postp we regardless how think-pres- vol.1pl b ɨ z t ɨ l ügün-iš- ɨ m ɨ z mäd ɨ nyät ügün-iš- ɨ m ɨ z sän’ät we language learn-iš.vn - poss1pl culture learn-iš.vn - poss1pl art ügün-iš- ɨ m ɨ z bu arq ɨ l ɨ q hämmä m ɨ llät öz learn-iš.vn - poss1pl this through all nationality self m ɨ ll ɨ t- ɨ -n ɨ täräqq ɨ q ɨ l-dur-uš-i keräk nationality- poss3sg-acc develop do.lightv- caus-iš.vn - poss3sg should “Therefore whatever we think, we should learn language, learn culture, learn art, through this all nationalities develop their own”. T2/45 šunäqä bol-g y än-dä m ɨ llät täräqqi q ɨ l-du as such bol.cop-gan. ptcp-loc nationality develop do.lightv-3 häm ǰ ämiyät-i yäm täräqqi q ɨ l-ä-d ɨ also society-poss3sg also develop do.lightv-pres-3 “As such, the nationality will develop (develops), and the society will also develop (develops)”.