Актуальные вопросы тюркологических исследований

Актуальные вопросы тюркологических исследований 510 T2/46 b ɨ z az-tolä Özbek-či bil-gän-l ɨ g- ɨ m ɨ z üčün Özbegistan- d ɨ n we more or less Uzbek- equa know-gan. ptcp-der- poss1pl for.postp Uzbekistan- abl ki-gän bäz ɨ plästika bäz ɨ matiryal-la vo-sa come-gan. ptcp some disc some material-pl bol.cop- hyp 3 tuqqan-lär- n ɨ ŋ bar-iš-kil- iš-tä t ɨ l- ɨ m ɨ z rawan sözli-š-älä-y- m ɨ z relative-pl- gen go-iš.vn- come- iš.vn language- poss1pl fluent speak-coop- abil-pres- 1pl “Because we know someUzbek, if there are some discs andmaterials fromUzbekistan, when we interact with relatives, we can speak our language fluently”. T2/47 likin bäzi bimanu adäm-lär-n ɨ ŋ ič-i-dä üz-i but some senseless man-pl-gen inside- poss3sg- loc self-poss3sg Üzbek tur-up üz- ɨ -n ɨ ŋ ɨ sm- ɨ -n ɨ yäm bar-iš-kil- ɨ š- ɨ -n ɨ Uzbek tur.cop-ip. conv self -poss3sg- gen name- poss3sg-acc also go-iš.vn- come- iš.vn -poss3sg- acc häm t ɨ l- ɨ -n ɨ yäm b ɨ l-mä-yd ɨɣɨ n- ɨ az ämäs also langauge- poss3sg-acc also know-neg- adigan.ptcp- poss3sg few not-neg “But among some senseless people, though him/herself is Uzbek, people who do not know his/her own name, interaction and own language, they are not few”. T2/48 b ɨ z-n ɨ ŋ ayt-ädigin- ɨ m ɨ z sän ayl ɨ -dä we-gen speak-adigan.ptcp- poss1pl you family-loc t ɨ l - n ɨ üz-üŋ-d ɨ n bašlä language-acc self-poss2sg-abl start.imp “What we want to say is that you start using your own language from your family”.