Актуальные вопросы тюркологических исследований

Актуальные вопросы тюркологических исследований 514 Uzbek-Turkmen, and Uzbek-Tajik. Though based on only two texts are not safe to draw a final conclusion, but it’s possible to say that there is a mixed Uzbek- Uyghur dialect zone in XUAR, China, which shares the features of Uyghur and Uzbek. Bibliography 1. Abdurehman Hormetjan . Shilun Xinjiang wuzibiekezu juzuojia xukuer yali- kun [Xinjiang Uzbek Playwright Shukur Yalkun] // Minzu wenxue yanjiu. 2002. No. 4. P. 16–19. 2. Adalaiti . Zhongguo wuzibiekezu yuyan shiyong xianzhuang yanjiu [The Lan- guage Use of Uzbeks in China] . Dissertation. Beijing: Minzu University of China, 2012. 3. Guojia Minwei 2011. Fuchi renkou jiaoshao minzu fazhan guihua 2011–2015 [A Developmental Plan on Supporting Under-populated Ethnic Groups] // URL: http://www.seac.gov.cn/art/2011/7/1/art_149_129390.html 4. Bahaer . Xinjiang wuzibiekezu renkou de wenhua goucheng tedian [The Cul- tural Constitute Characteristics of Uzbek Population in Xinjiang] // Xinji- ang sheke. 2004. No. 4. P. 53–58. 5. Boeschoten Hendrik . Uzbek // Lars Johanson & Eva Csato (eds.) The Turkic Languages . New York, 2006. P. 357–378. 6. Bodrogligeti Andras J.E . Modern Literary Uzbek: A Manual for Intensive El- ementary. Part I. München: Lincom Language Coursebooks, 2002. 7. Cheng, Shiliang & Abudureheman . Wuzibiekeyu jianzhi [A Comprehensive Description of Uzbek Language]. Beijing, 1987. 8. Guojia Minwei . Wuzibiekezu jianshi [A Short History of Uzbek]. Beijing, 2008. 9. Pang Ruoyu . Xinjiang wuzibiekezu renkou chengshihua chengyin jiqi xiaoy- ing fenxi [An Analysis on Reasons and Effectiveness of Uzbek population’s Move to Cities] // Xibei renkou. 2005. No. 5. P. 61–64. 10. Jia Congjiang . Wuzibiekezu [Uzbek Nationality] . Beijing, 1996. 11. Johanson Lars . Structural Factors in Turkic Language Contacts. London, 2002. 12. Luo Jiansheng . Wuzibiekezu [Uzbek Nationality]. Beijing, 1990. 13. Mengliyev Baxtiyor, Xoliyorov O’ral . Nazariy Ma’lumot Asosiy Tushuncha Lug’at. Toshkent, 2012. 14. Zhonghua renmin gongheguo guojia tongjiju 2010 [National Bureau of Sta- tistics of China] // URL: http://www.stats.gov.cn/ 15. Shermatov A . A New Stage in the Development of Uzbek Dialectology // Es- says on Uzbek History, Culture and Language / ed. by Nazarov B.A. & Sinor D . Bloomington, 1993. P. 101–109.