Актуальные вопросы тюркологических исследований

Актуальные вопросы тюркологических исследований 538 browsing of data is facilitated by the Semantic Compound Queries extension, showing data on maps is allowed by the Semantic Maps extension and Semantic Result For-mats presents query results in different formats such as calendars, timelines, charts, filterable results or graphs. SMW is used on hundreds of MediaWiki based web sites, such as the register books archive at the University of Stuttgart (http://archiv.ub.uni-stuttgart.de/UAMatrikel) . The Structure of the Database The database is divided into three namespaces in order to separate content in an appropriate way. The main namespace includes the pages of inscriptions, the Bib: namespace contains bibliographical information of the quoted liter- ature and the Graph : namespace is defined for glyph and grapheme relevant pages. A special namespace Lex: will be added later for separating lexical data. Categories such as Inscription , Grapheme , Publication etc. further help to orga- nise individual pages in the database. SMWproperties as “categories for values in wiki pages” are the essential ways of defining semantic data. The Mainz database implements more than 30 indi- vidual properties such as BibAuthor ‘name of an author quoted in the database’, Unclear places ‘unclear passages, letters in an inscription’, Present whereabouts ‘description of the place where an inscription is currently situated’ or GPS Coor- dinates ‘the coordinates, if available, where an inscription has been erected’. The description page of an inscription always present data according to a strict structure comprising the following elements: (1) an infobox including the most important pieces of information about the given inscription, such as (a) internal signature, (b) further names under which it is mentioned in the literature, (c) the broader region where the inscription was found, (d) the GPS coordinates, (e) present location, (f) date of creation/erection, (g) historical affiliation, (h) total number of characters, and (i) number of individual glyphs. It is followed by (2) a short description about the inscription and the available editions, (3) transliteration according to an internal system, (4) transcription, (5) translation, (6) comments, (7) inventory of glyphs, (8) pictures and draw- ings, and (9) references. A detailed description of the structure will be available under the page http://www.runiform.uni-mainz.de/wiki/Basic_Principles. Description pages of individual inscriptions, bibliographical data or car- tographic information are formatted and presented automatically by means of underlying patterns which are sets of template documents in the Template: namespace, e.g. Template:Inscription_Data presents the most important data of the described inscription in table form, Template:Inscription_References col- lects and displays bibliographical data, or Template:Inscription_Gallery pro- vides a picture gallery of squeezes and photos.