Актуальные вопросы тюркологических исследований
Актуальные вопросы тюркологических исследований 552 Yong-Sŏng Li* On ïKIzLKNM:tẅktI:KRAtrm:yẄgrtI in the 52 th Line of the Tuñuquq Inscription Orkhon Turkic is the oldest Turkic dialect whose written records have come down to us [29. P. 7]. It is known to us through the inscriptions found in present-day Outer Mongolia, mainly in the basin of the Orkhon River, thus being conveniently called ‘the Orkhon inscriptions’. These are the Kül Tegin, Bilgä Qaγan, Tuñuquq, Išbara Tarqan (Ongi), and Küli Čor (Ikhe-Khüshötü) inscriptions [29. P. 9]. Most parts of the Tuñuquq inscription are well understood. However, the second, third, fourth, and fifth letter groups ïKIzLKNM:tẅktI:KRAtrm:yẄgrtI in the 52 th line are not so. This line is now severely damaged. These letter groups have been interpreted as follows: (1) [23. P. 22]. kызыл алтун тöкті öрӳн кӳмӳш тöкті [23. P. 23]. “Rothes Gold streute era us, helles Silber streute er aus.” [23. P. 23]. тöк (v) ‘ausstreuen’; (53,6), (53,4) [23. P. 99b] тöкті . (2) “… Il est très rare qu’au lieu du sar i̮ γ on trouve q i̮ z i̮ l ‘rouge’. (Tonyoukouk l. 52 (53. Radl.)) porte: q i̮ z i̮ l qan i̮ m tükäti , „en versant (littéralement: consommant) mon sang rouge“, … Cf. sur ces mots et ceux qui suivent RAMSTEDT, ouv. cit. p. 50, où toutefois „ tökti “ „vergiessend“ est inadmissible.)” [34. P. 68, in the footnote 1]. (3) “…, und während ich mein rotes Blut opferte (w ӧ rtl. „vollendete“) und meinen „schwarzen“ Schweiß vergoß, …” [34. P. 169]. (4) “…, and shedding my red blood, and sweating my “black” sweat, …” [23. P. 42]. (5) [20. P. 117]. k ız ı l k a n ı m t ü k e ti k a ra t e r i m y ü g ü rti [20. P. 116]. “Kızıl kanımı tüketerek kara terimi akıtarak” [20. P. 117]. * Dr., Department Asian Languages and Civilizations (Seoul National University).
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