Актуальные вопросы тюркологических исследований
Актуальные вопросы тюркологических исследований 584 tified as belonging to that sūtra. Later these fragments seemed to be lost, but from new investigation it could be confirmed that hey are well preserved at the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts (IOM) of the Russian Academy of Sciences here in the holy city of Oriental studies. Among the Mahāyāna sūtras the Sūtra of Complete Enlightenment is a rather short one and according to modern scholarship one that was written in China, obviously it is not a translation from Sanskrit. There are some fragments of a translation of the sūtra as well as fragments of an unknown commentary. But despite this state the Old Uigur version cannot be reconstructed satisfactorily as it exists only fragmentarily. On the other hand, the Sūtra of Complete Enlight- enment is mentioned in some documents. Therefore we can assume that the text belonged to the well-known Buddhist scriptures in the West Uigur King- dom and later [19]. The title of the sūtra The title of the sūtra is according to the Old Uigur blockprint SI Kr III 11: ulug buluŋ yıŋak sayukı keŋ alkıg (= 大方廣 ) tolu tuymak (= 圓覺 ) atl(ı) g sudurta (= 修多羅 ) uduzulmıš yörüglüg (= 了義 ) sudur (= 經 ) which fully agrees to its Chinese name 1 . It has to be remarked that in the Chinese title the word sūtra is rendered first in transcription, but at the end as translation ( jing ), while the Uigur translation made no distinction. The translation of Chinese ( 了義 ) liao yi “An explicit meaning, a clear meaning” [1] is found as above in an Abhidharmakośabhā ṣ ya translation, too [12. P. 150–151 (37V10)]. The Old Uigur verb uduzul- can be understood as “strictly followed by”. The short title Yuanjue jing The Old Uigur translation of this sūtra has its long title, but the short title Yuanjue jing was also widely used as we know from the texts of the Northern Grottoes of Mogao near Dunhuang. In the text B 128:18 the sūtra title is the last one in a list of sūtras that were used by Old Uigur masters for teaching [9. B 128:18, ll. 123, 131, cp. 18. P. 278]: vynqwqky = vinkok [vyn: 11. P. 132; qwq: 11. P. 136] ki = 圓覺經 Yuanjue jing . The transcription of yuanjue jing can be confirmed by two other attestations, one in a fragment of the commentary to the sūtra which is preserved at the Dunhuang Research Institute 2 . It has the same spelling: vyn qwq ky. The spelling vyn for yuan is known from other texts, too [13. P. 185]. The other one is recorded in the fragment of the commentary 1 T. XVII.842. The title was already discussed by G. Kara (cp. fn 1) . 2 A facsimile of one page was edited by Zhang Wenbin [17. P. 166]. The complete leaf was edited by Zhang & Zieme [16].
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