Актуальные вопросы тюркологических исследований
585 Actual Problems of Turkic Studies preserved at Musée Guimet (cp below). On the other hand, there is also a pure Turkic rendering of the title as can be seen in the long poem NGMG B 128:18. 089 3 052 4 [to... tä]mür küč tämür aka inilär : 090 tolu tuymak sudurug nomlatgalı 091 053 [tutuŋ] atl(ı)g m(ä)n [tü]mkäni : 092 [...]uta katıg bäk sınasar :: “If the elder and younger brothers [To... Tä]mür and Küč Tämür examine me, the [st]upid named [Tutun]g, harder than [...]u to let (me) preach the Complete Enlightenment sūtra (...)”. The other occurrence is known form the blockprint SI Kr III 11. The blockprint SI Kr III 11 The first lines of the fragment SI Kr III 11 mention the title of the sūtra as quoted above. Here the following lines are presented. (recto) 07 taidang atl(ı)g tavgač han 913a26 大唐 08 üdintä [ ]q[ ] 罽賓三藏佛陀多羅 09 toyın äntkäk tilin[tin tav]gač 10 tilinčäävirmišärür : 譯 12 ančulayu ärür mäniŋäšidmišim 913a27 如是我聞 5 13 bir üdün atı kötrülmiš : 一時婆伽婆 6 14 ridi bügülänmäk-lig ulug 入於神通大 15 y(a)ruk yaltrık-lıg agılık 光明 913a28 藏 16 atl(ı)g dyan-ka kirü y(a)rlıkadı 三昧正受 17 ol dyan ärsär alku ančulayu 一切如 18 kälmiš-lär-niŋ bilgä bili[glig] 來 tolu tuymak bir : 一上 7 (verso) tolu tuymak bir 01 yaruk yaltrık üzä etilmiš 光嚴 02 särilip turguluk orunıärip : 住持 03 alku tınl(ı)g-lar-nıŋ arıg 是諸衆生 04 süzük tuymak 913a29 清淨覺地 05 orun-ı ärür : 3 Line number of a reconstruction of the poem. 4 Line number of the facsimile edited in NGMG. 5 T. XVII. 842. 913a27. 6 Chin. poqiepo = Skt. bhagavan is translated by atı kötrülmiš “Whose name is exalted”. 7 Written in small script.
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