Актуальные вопросы тюркологических исследований
Актуальные вопросы тюркологических исследований 586 06 ät ʾ özli köŋül-li 身心 07 öčmiš [amrılmıš] ärip : täŋ 寂滅平 08 tüz [ ] 等本際 09 [ ]lär-kä 10 tolu tük[äl ...] ärip 圓滿十方 11 iki-siz [ ] eyin udu 不 913b01 二 12 boltačıärür : ol antag 隨順 13 iki-siz adgangu uguš-ta 於不二境 14 alku arıg süzük el uluš 現諸淨土 15 -larıg [kört]gürdü y(a)rlıkap 16 [bodi]stv-lar m(a)hastv-lar 與大菩薩摩訶 17 [on] tümän kiši-lär birlä 913b02 薩十萬人倶 18 [ ] ärti : olar-nıŋ 其(名曰文殊師利菩薩 ). “On one occasion the One whose name is exalted graciously entered into the dhyāna named ‘treasury of the ṛ ddhi magical power, of great light and splendour’. This dhyāna is all Tathāgatas’ abode of wisdom and adorned with light and splendour. It is the abode of the pure enlightenment of all sentient beings. Minds and bodies are utterly extinguished and quiescent, [in the original state of universal] equality, [perfectly pervade the ten directions,] and follow nonduality. From the sphere of such nonduality, he graciously manifested all pure and clean lands. He was [accompanied] by [ten] times ten- thousand bodhisattva mahāsattvas [who were led by Mañjuśrī Bodhisattva].” Book forms It is interesting to note that rare book formats are used. The manuscript of BBAW (U 2381 and U 3362) is arranged in the following order: U 2381 r -- U 3362 r -- U 3362 v -- U 2381 v. This order is only possible if we assume that it was a folded booklet written on both sides. The blockprinted addition is also peculiar insofar the leaves printed on both sides bear a pustaka hole thus imitating the holy book form of India. The recto side is marked by Chinese 上 shang “recto”. Commentary of the Yuanjue jing There are numerous Chinese commentaries to the Yuanjue jing , but in Old Uigur we know of only one commentary which cannot be traced in Chinese. The leaves that were obtained by Sven Hedin were edited by K. Kudara [8] 8 . No. 17 has the leaf number “33”, but one can assume that the Old Uigur scribe omitted yüz “hundred” because of judging from the context it should be “133”. 8 Y. Kasai translated Kudara’s Japanese paper into German [6].
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