Актуальные вопросы тюркологических исследований
589 Actual Problems of Turkic Studies yapıg which is a general term for “constituent” [2. P. 873a]. But Ottoman Turk- ish yapı “building, foundation of a structure” shows that the word had a wide range of meanings. Here it seems to mean the construction or the appearance of the gate. The preceding word myswy if read mišuy probably originates from Chinese 美術 meishu the general term for “art”. According to Ricci it can also denote more specifically “décoration; peinture, dessin” [10. P. 910a]. References 1. DDB = Digital Dictionary of Buddhism (Charles Muller). 2. ED = Clauson G . An Etymological Dictionary of Pre-Thirteenth-Century Turkish. Oxford, 1972. 3. HT VII = Röhrborn K. Die alttürkische Xuanzang-Biographie VII. Nach der Handschrift von Leningrad, Paris und Peking sowie nach dem Transkript von Annemarie v. Gabain, Wiesbaden 1991. 4. Kara G . On a Lost Mongol Book and Its Uigur Version, in: Sprache, Ge- schichte und Kultur der altaischen Völker, Protokollband der XII. Tagung der Permanent International Altaistic Conference 1969 in Berlin / ed. by G. Hazai and P. Zieme, Berlin 1974, 288–289. 5. D. [=] Kara G. Knigi mongol’skikh kočevnikov. Moskva, 1972. 6. Kasai Y . Das uigurische Yuan jue jing 圓覺經 und sein Kommentar, 2013 // URL: http://edoc. bbaw.de/volltexte/2013/2383/ pdf/Kudara.pdf 7. Kitsudō K . Notes on the Commentary to the Yuanjue jing in Old Uigur // Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. 67 (2014). P. 313–318. 8. Kudara K . Uiguruyaku Engakukyo to sono chushaku [An Uigur version of the Yuanjue Jing and its commentary] // Ryukoku Kiyo. 14 (1992). P. 1–23. 9. NGMG = Peng Jinzhang, Wang Jianjun . Dunhuang Mogaoku beiqu shiku [Northern Grottoes of Mogaoku, Dunbuang], I–III, Beijing. 2000–2004. 10. Ricci = Dictionnaire Ricci chinois-français. Beijing, 2014. 11. Shogaito M. . Roshia Shozo Uigurugo Bunken no Kenkyu: UiguruMojihyoki Kanbun to Uigurugo Butten Tekisuto [Uigur manuscripts in St. Petersburg: Chinese texts in Uighur script and Buddhist Uighur texts]. Kyoto 2003. 12. Shogaito M. The Uighur Abhidharmakośabhā ṣ ya preserved at the Museum of Ethnography in Stockholm, Wiesbaden 2014. 13. Shōgaito M., Fujishiro S., Ohsaki N., Sugahara M., Yakup A . The Berlin Chi- nese Text U 5335 Written in Uighur Script. A reconstruction of the Inherited Uighur Pronunciation of Chinese, Turnhout 2015. 14. Warnke I . Ein uigurisches Kolophon aus der Berliner Turfan-Sammlung // Scholia. Beiträge zur Turkologie und Zentralasienskunde, Annemarie von Gabain zum 80. Geburtstag am 4. Juli 1981 dargebracht von Kollegen, Freunden und Schülern, Wiesbaden 1981. P. 215–220.
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