Ближний Восток и его соседи

g 111 h The Red Sea and the Luxury of the Roman Women: A Literary Study Primary Sources 1. Apuleius, The Golden Ass , ed. with an English translation by W. Adlington (LCL 1947). 2. Catullus, The Poems , ed. with introduction, revised text and commentary by K. Quinn (Macmillan 1982). 3. Cicero, Orationes (Oxford 1908). 4. Cicero, De Re Publica , ed. with an English translation by C. Keyes (LCL 1943). 5. Columella, On Agriculture (3vols.) ed. with an English translation by E. Forster and E. Heffner (LCL 1993). 6. Diodorus of Sicily, The Library of History , vol. I, ed. with an English translation by C. Oldfather (LCL 1946). 7. Horace, Satires, ed. with notes by A. Palmer (Macmillan 1971). 8. Horace, The Odes , ed. with introduction, revised text and commentary by K. Quinn (Macmillan 1987). 9. Horace, Epistles Book I , ed. with introduction and commentary by R. Mayer (Cambridge 1994). 10. Juvenal, Satires , ed. with an English translation by G. Ramsay (LCL 1924). 11. Livy, From the Founding of the City (14 vols.), ed. with an English translation by B. Foster et al. (LCL 1976–1983). 12. Martial, Epigrams (3vols.) ed. with an English translation by D. Shackleton Bailey (LCL 1993). 13. Ovid, The Art of Love and Other Poems , ed. with an English translation by J. Mozley (LCL 1947). 14. Ovid, Heroides and Amores , ed. with an English translation by G. Showerman (LCL 1947). 15. Petronius, Satyricon , ed. with an English translation by M. Heseltine (LCL 1925). 16. Pliny, Natural History (10 vols.), ed. with an English translation by H. Rack- ham (LCL 1986–1999). 17. Propertius, Elegies , ed. with an English translation by G. Goold (LCL 1990). 18. Seneca, Epistuale Morales , ed. with an English translation by R. Gummere (LCL 1996). 19. Seneca, Moral Essays (10 vols.), ed. with an English translation by J. Basore (LCL 1989). 20. Strabo, The Geography (8 vols.), ed. with an English translation by H. Jones (LCL 1917–1967). 21. Suetonius, The Lives of the Caesars , ed. with an English translation by J. Rolfe (LCL 1928). 22. Tacitus, Agricola, Germania, and Dialogus , ed. with an English translation by M. Hutton & W. Peterson (LCL 1996). 23. Tibullus, in: Catullus, Tibullus, Pervigilium Veneris , ed. with an English trans- lation by J. Postgate (LCL 1968). 24. Velleius Paterculus, Compendium of Roman History , ed. with an English trans- lation by F. Shipley (LCL 1924).