Ближний Восток и его соседи

g 151 h Diaghilev’s Scheherazade and Russian Orientalism of the Shahnameh , namely the fratricide of Prince Iraj by his two brothers Salm and Tur, which caused the eternal hostility among two main peoples on Earth: Ira- nians (originated from Īraj < MP Ērič ‘Iranian’ < pos- sibly from Old Pers. *Airya- ča, see Shahbazi ‘Iraj’) and Turanians (< Tur). 26 The operatic version rep- resented a complete reinter- pretation of the story. The protagonists are the only two sons of King Özsoy (Ferey- dun in the Persian original) but Tur does not murder his brother out of jealousy with the gold stool and does not send his head to their father. After a long period of fight- ing and misunderstanding, they finally reconcile and embrace each other as they are two brothers of the same stock. It produced such a strong impression on Reza Shah that he stayed much longer in Turkey and was ready to negotiate important issues between the two counties. Azerbaijani Ş ə hrizad, the only Shahrazad in the Scheherazade ballet Fikret Amirov was one of those responsible for creating the Azeri Soviet cul- tural identity by writing European-style music using local motifs. For exam- ple, his earlier ballet (one-act choreographic poem) Nəsimi dastanı (‘Tale of Nesimi’) composed in 1973 was dedicated to the six-hundredth anniversary of the Hurufi poet who was skinned alive in Aleppo in 1417. His orchestral 26 Shahbazi Sh. A. Iraj // Encyclopædia Iranica online. URL: http:// www.iranicaonline.org/ articles/iraj (accessed: 31.08.2019). Pl. 17. Poster of Ahmet Adnan Saygun’s opera Özsoy, performed in the Mersin Theatre of Opera and Ballet in October 2012