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g 194 h David Nicolle 77. The best-known crossbow from the late medieval Islamic world was found over a century ago in the mountain village of Medina Bombaron, in what had been the Emi­ rate of Granada, the last bastion of Andalusian Islam. It is now preserved in Granada, but unfortunately the massive bow of composite construction may not originally have been intended for the small and somewhat feeble stock. Both are probably original, although maybe from separate weapons, and both were made either shortly before or very shortly after the fall of Granada in 1492 AD. Yet even if this weapon — or weapons — date from after the conquest of the Nasrid Amirate by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, it — or they — are fully within the Islamic tradition of such weapons. In contrast, neither the stave nor the stock have much in common with 15th or early 16th century European crossbows, even with those having composite staves. (Archaeo- logical Museum, Granada; author’s photograph).