Ближний Восток и его соседи

g 205 h Archaeological Evidence for Mamlūk Archery 104. These comparable fragments are from CD5 of the Citadel of Damascus and as such are almost certainly late Mamlūk. (Syrian Department of Antiquities; IFPO photograph). 105. The method by which redundant paper documents were cut to shape, folded and then glued to the shafts of late Mamlūk crossbow bolts from the Citadel of Damas- cus is shown in this schematic illustration. The dimensions are taken from three measu­ rable examples: (inv. CD 5.2 428.[12].03b) B = 11 mm; W = 10,5 mm; M = 11 mm; X = 44 mm; Y = 60 mm; Z = 11 mm. (inv. CD 5.2 428.[12].03c) B = 11 mm; W = 9 mm; M = 12 mm; X = 36 mm; Y = 59 mm; Z = 36 mm. In a more damaged example not all the measurements could be taken: (inv. CD 5.2 428.[12].03d) B = ? mm; W = 11 mm; M = ? mm; X = 61 mm; Y = 59 mm; Z = 21 mm. (Author’s drawings).