Ближний Восток и его соседи

g 52 h Sergei Andreyev A Russian Post-Imperial Policy Paper on the Imperial Political Logic Concerning Afghanistan and Central Asia Abstract: The 1919 policy paper and background historical note prepared by the Imperial Russian diplomat Pavel Vvedenskiy while he was in the Soviet captivity provides an overview of the Russian imperial perception of Afghanistan, Central Asia and the Anglo-Russian regional rivalry. Showing no trace of pro-Soviet views, it offers policy recommendations for the establishment of Soviet-Afghan relationships. Keywords : Afghanistan, Central Asia, Iran, Turkmen tribes, Afghan-Rus- sian border demarcation, Anglo-Russian rivalry in Central Asia, Soviet-Afghan relationships. With the clear breakaway from the Russian imperial past introduced by the 1917 Bolshevik revolution and subsequent social and political upheavals ushering in a new pattern of political reasoning and modus operandi one rarely comes across any policy papers that are clearly based on the imperial mental and political legacy and yet attempt to inform the new Soviet-style foreign policy initiatives. Pavel Petrovich Vvedenskiy’s 112 pages long note to the file cum white policy paper A Note by the Russian High Political Representative in Bukhara P. P. Vvedenskiy Compiled at the Request of the RSFSR Turkestan Committee and dated 28 December 1919. Apropos a Reappraisal of the Rus-