Ближний Восток и его соседи

g 70 h Vassilios Christides probable. Those of the first group were fortunate to arrive in Morocco at the time of Idrīs II (803–828) who had undertaken the task of building the capital Fez for the newly established dynasty of the Idrīsids in North Africa (789–985). Carved out of the territory of the ‘Abbāsids (788–974), Fez was originally in- habited almost exclusively by Berbers, mainly from Qayrawān, and the arrival of the Andalusian refugees advanced the ambitious plan of creating a capital city which, located in a strategically key position, could develop into an impor- tant trade center, linked on the one hand with Andalus and North Africa, and on the other hand with sub-Sahara Africa (Sudan and Gana in particular). Being skillful artisans, the Andalusian refugees contributed greatly to the construction of Fez and founded the Andalusian quarter which was named after them. They contributed to the social life of Fez which developed into a prosperous city with brilliant artistic and cultural activities. Among their contributions were the building and rebuilding of the Moroccan caravanserais ( funduq ) (pl. fanādiq ) 43 and the Great Mosque of Fez , al-Jadīd. 44 The Andalusian fugitives, who settled in Fez, brought their tradition of making exquisite artifacts to their new country. 45 Moreover, they engaged 42 Jebulon,Ownwork, 27 July2014. URL :https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Alcazaba_1,_ Almeria,_Spain.jpg (accessed: 15.05.2023). 43 T. Burckhardt, Art of Islam Language and Meaning , Westerham, Kent 1976, p. 195, plate 183. 44 Kubisch, “Architecture”, 310. 45 See the section “El Emirato de Córdoba”, in El esplendor de los Omeyas cordobeses , ed. Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Cultura a través de la Fundación El Legado Andalusí, Granada 2001, Fig. 3. Alcazaba (fortress) of Almería, modern photo 42