Ближний Восток и его соседи

g 71 h The Odyssey of the Andalusian Conquerors of Crete... in the creation of magnificent gardens in Morocco following an admirab­ le Andalusian tradition which lasted for centuries. 46 Similarly, the second group of the fugitives, who went to Alexandria and then to Crete, carried their artistic Cordoban tradition with them and also their love for creating gardens. Theophanes Contintuatus’ text describes their picturesque cot- tages in Handax (Heraklion), surrounded by gardens replete with fruit trees and beautiful fountains. 47 Archaeological evidence indicates that they had also built a ceramics factory. 48 As I have pointed out in a previous work, a systematic comparison of the archaeological remains of the ceramics in Handax to those of the emirate of Cordoba reveals some interesting simi- larities. A comparison of some pottery , found in an Arabic house in Handax by the archaeologist Liana Starida, with the ceramics of the Emirate of Cordoba offers us a glimpse of what such a study reveals. 49 Moreover, 85–105; see also Kubisch, “Architecture”, 310. 46 E. Lévi-Provençal, Histoire de l’Espagne musulmane , I, Paris — Leiden 1950, 170. For the continuing Spanish-Muslim conception of gardens until the present day see J. T. Rojo, “El ‘Jardín hispanomusulmán’: la construcción histórica de una idea”, Awraq 11 (2015), 33–58. 47 Theophanes Continuatus, Chronographia , ed. Bonn, 1838, 476–477: “διειδεῖς κρῆναι καὶ παντοδαπῶν ὀπωρῶν το πλῆθος…” 48 Liana Starida, “Το αραβικό φρούριο της τάφρου όπως αποκαλύπτεται από τις ανασκαφικές έρευνες”, Graeco-Arabica 11 (2011), 117 (article: 105–118). 49 V. Christides, “Relaciones entre Creta bizantina y los Omeyas de Siria y al-Andalus”, Spanish trans. J. P. Monferrer-Sala, in El esplendor de los Omeyas cordobeses , ed. Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Cultura a través de la Fundación El Legado Andalusí, Granada 2001, 66 (article: Fig. 4. The Byzantine-Muslim naval confrontation, mid-7th C. — ca. 1050 (Map drawn by Konstantinos Plakidas, Vienna 52 )