Ближний Восток и его соседи

g 75 h The Odyssey of the Andalusian Conquerors of Crete... the prow, it was protected by a forecastle (ψευδοπάτιον). By the 9 th century the Arabs used the Greek fire extensively 62 and after the 11 th century they constructed a special machine for launching Greek fire combined with gun- powder. 63 In general, the Andalusian warships of the 9 th –10 th century were two-banked and could carry a limited number of soldiers. 64 It is only after the 13 th century that the Andalusians constructed warships of multiple banks, carrying armed troops, as it is shown in a 13 th –14 th century reconstructed model. Ibn Ḥayyān has an interesting passage concerning the capacity of some Andalusian warships of the 62 For the use of Greek fire in general see J. Haldon, “‘Greek Fire’ Revisited: Recent and Current Research”, in Byzantine Style, Religion and Civilization , in Honour of Sir Steven Runciman, ed. Elizabeth Jeffreys, Cambridge 2006, 290–325; Christides, “Greek Fire”, EI 3 , (2013), 146–148; see also Appendix A of the present article. 63 Christides, “Once Again the Transmission of Chinese Naval Technology to the Arabs: Primi- tive Propel Rockets”, in Proceedings of the 1 st International Congress for Sino-Greek Studies, (Ioannina 2–4 October 2004), ed. Ch. Stavrakos, Ioannina 2008, 59–66; see also idem, “Rocket Machinery of the Mamluks”, Encyclopaedia of the History of Science, Technology and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures , ed. Helaine Selin. 64 For the Andalusian ships of the early period o‑f 9 th– 11 th c., see J. Lirola-Delgado, “Aportacio- nes árabes al desarrollo náutico occidental. La navegación andalusí en el Atlántico”, in Al-Andalus Allende et Atlántico , Granada 1997, 51–66; idem, “Islas y litorales: el Mediterráneo dominado”, in El esplendor de los Omeyas cordobeses , ed. Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Cultura a través de la Fundación El Legado Andalusí, Granada 2001, 54–61; see also note 56 above. Fig. 7 . Depiction of a 14th century Arab warship. (From V. Christides,The Image of Cyprus in the Arabic Sources, Lefcosia 2006, fig. VI, p. 107. Courtesy of the author)