Ближний Восток и его соседи

g 91 h The Odyssey of the Andalusian Conquerors of Crete... tion of Alexandria by the Andalusians and their expulsion should be taken into consideration in relation to all the other relevant sources. 132 Bibliography 1. Abbadi A. and SalemA., Ta’rīkh al-Islamiyya fī al-Maghrib wal-Andalus , Beirut 1969. 2. Abd al-Aziz Salim. “De al-Andalus a Egipto y de Egipto a al-Andalus”, in Al- Andalus y el Mediterráneo / Juan Vernet Ginés (ed.), Barcelona — Madrid 1995. 3. Agius D. A., “The Arab Shalandī”, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta , 102. Egypt and Syria in the Fatimid, Ayyubid and Mamluk Eras III, Leuven 2001. 4. Aguade J., “Algunos hadices sobre la ocupación de Alejandria por un grupo de Hispano-Musulmanes”, Boletin de la Associación Española de Orientalistas , 12 (1976). 5. Al-Bayān al-Mughrib , ed. G. S. Colin and E. Lévi-Provençal, Leiden 1951, re- printed Beirut 1980. 6. Anwar A., “Arabs in Spain or Arabised Spaniards? A Deep Down Journey be- tween Rejection and Acceptance of Nine Hundred Years (711–1614) of Arabo-Islamic Hybridisation”, in Entre Oriente y Occidente ciudades y viajeros en la edad media , ed. J. P. Monferrer-Sala and María Dolores Rodríguez Gómez, Granada 2005. 7. Athamina K., “The ‘Ulamā’ in the Opposition: the “Stick and the Carrot” Policy in Early Islam”, The Islamic Quarterly 36 (1992). 8. Ballan M., “Andalusi Crete (827–961) and the Arab-Byzantine Frontier in the Early Medieval Mediterranean”, URL: https://ballandalus.wordpress.com/2015/04/09/ andalusi-crete-827–961-and-the-arab-byzantine-frontier-in-the-early-medieval-medi- terranean-2/ (accessed: 15.05.2023). 9. Barrucand M. and Bednorz A., Moorish Architecture in Andalusia , Cologne 1992. 10. Bernabé Pons L. F., “Ṭāriq ibn Ziyād y el sello indeleble de la conquista”, in R. G. Khoury — J. P. Monferrer-Sala —María Jesús Viguera Molins, eds., Legendaria medievalia en honor de Concepción Castillo Castillo , Cordoba 2011. 11. Burckhardt T., Art of Islam Language and Meaning , Westerham, Kent 1976. 12. Capilla, Susana Calvo, “Primeras mezquitas de al-Andalus a travès de las fuen- tas árabes (92/711–170/785)”, Al-Qanṭara 28 (1) (2007). 13. Caratolios C., Το υγρόν πυρ & η συμβολή του στη βυζαντινή ισχύ , Athens 2013. 14. Castro, Antonio Arjona, Historia de Córdoba durante el emirato omeya: desar- rollo, apogeo y ruina de la Córdoba Omeya . Vol. I: De la conquista al-final del emirato Omeya (711–729) , Cordoba 2001. 15. Charles R. H., trans., The Chronicle of John, Bishop of Nikiu , London-Oxford 1916. 16. Cheynet J.-C., “Les Phocas”, in G. Dagon — H. Mihǎescu, eds., Le traité sur la guerilla (De velitatione) de l’ empereur Nicéphore Phocas (963–969) , Paris 1986. 132 For these sources see my study The Conquest of Crete by the Arabs (ca. 824), 83–88; new material has been added in my present article.