Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова
613 Analysis of “full” words in Classical Chinese based on the Book of Laozi usage, seeking for analogical phenomena across the whole system of Old Chinese lexicon, attempting to distinguish derivation from the mere etymo- logical relationship as well as by taking into account a number of other fac- tors, including a certain amount of experience with Old Chinese. I understand it as a kind of conclusion of the presented work, but what is more important, as a first step towards further research which I would like to devote myself in the future, namely the identity of Old Chinese lexemes . References Никитина 1985 — Никитина Т. Н. Синтаксический строй древнекитайского языка: дисс … д-ра. фил. наук. Ленинградский государственный университет. Л., 1985. Яхонтов 1965 — Яхонтов С. Е. Древнекитайский язык. М., 1965. Bottéro, Harbsmeier 2009 — Bott ro, F., Harbsmeier, Ch . The Shuowen Jiezi Dictionary and the Human Sciences in China” // Festschrift Nathan Sivin. Taipei, 2009. Fuller 2004 — Fuller, M. A. An Introduction to Literary Chinese: Revised Edi- tion. Cambridge, 2004. Gabelentz 1881/1944 — Gabelentz, G. v. d.. Chinesische Grammatik mit Aus- schluss des niederen Stiles und der heutigen Umgangssprache. Peking, 1944. Harbsmeier 1981 — Harbsmeier, Ch . Aspects of Classical Chinese Syntax. Lon- don and Malmö,1981. Liu 1983 — Liú Ji n 劉堅 . Jìndài Hànyǔ Dúběn 近代漢語讀本 . Shànghǎi, 1983. Sehnal 2013 — Sehnal, D. Kniha Laozi. Překlad s filologickým komentářem. Praha, 2013. Vávra 2015 — V vra, D. Kniha Laozi: Překlad s filologickým komentářem (The book Laozi: A translation with philological commentary) by David Sehnal (review) // Philosophy East and West, Vol. 65, N.3. Honolulu, 2015. TLS — Thesaurus linguae sericae. http://tls.uni-hd.de.
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