Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова

 613  Analysis of “full” words in Classical Chinese based on the Book of Laozi   usage, seeking for analogical phenomena across the whole system of Old Chinese lexicon, attempting to distinguish derivation from the mere etymo- logical relationship as well as by taking into account a number of other fac- tors, including a certain amount of experience with Old Chinese. I understand it as a kind of conclusion of the presented work, but what is more important, as a first step towards further research which I would like to devote myself in the future, namely the identity of Old Chinese lexemes . References Никитина 1985 — Никитина Т. Н. Синтаксический строй древнекитайского языка: дисс … д-ра. фил. наук. Ленинградский государственный университет. Л., 1985. Яхонтов 1965 — Яхонтов С. Е. Древнекитайский язык. М., 1965. Bottéro, Harbsmeier 2009 — Bott ro, F., Harbsmeier, Ch . The Shuowen Jiezi Dictionary and the Human Sciences in China” // Festschrift Nathan Sivin. Taipei, 2009. Fuller 2004 — Fuller, M. A. An Introduction to Literary Chinese: Revised Edi- tion. Cambridge, 2004. Gabelentz 1881/1944 — Gabelentz, G. v. d.. Chinesische Grammatik mit Aus- schluss des niederen Stiles und der heutigen Umgangssprache. Peking, 1944. Harbsmeier 1981 — Harbsmeier, Ch . Aspects of Classical Chinese Syntax. Lon- don and Malmö,1981. Liu 1983 — Liú Ji n 劉堅 . Jìndài Hànyǔ Dúběn 近代漢語讀本 . Shànghǎi, 1983. Sehnal 2013 — Sehnal, D. Kniha Laozi. Překlad s filologickým komentářem. Praha, 2013. Vávra 2015 — V vra, D. Kniha Laozi: Překlad s filologickým komentářem (The book Laozi: A translation with philological commentary) by David Sehnal (review) // Philosophy East and West, Vol. 65, N.3. Honolulu, 2015. TLS — Thesaurus linguae sericae. http://tls.uni-hd.de.