Проблемы китайского и общего языкознания. К 90-летию С. Е. Яхонтова
620 Hana Třísková There are eight permissible combinations of the elements C, G, V, X in Mandarin. We call these combinations syllable templates. They are listed here: V ( a ), CV ( ma ), VX ( ai, an ), GV ( ya ), GVX ( wai, yan ), CVX ( mai, man ), CGV ( mie ), CGVX ( kuai, mian ). Note that the number of syllable templates is smaller than the number of syllable types. The reason is that X may be either V, or C. Let us make a brief excursion into the world of terminology at this point. In Russian, there exist three alternative terms worthy of our attention in rela- tion to several subsyllabic components: централь (“a central”) for the main vowel, терминаль (“a terminal”) for an ending, and субфиналь (“a subfi- nal”) for a rime. The first two terms were coined by a Russian phonologist Figure 2. The Initial-Final model [Li 1999: 75; Lin 2007: 107] Tone initial Final medial Rime nucleus ending vocalic / consonantal Figure 3. The Initial-Final model [Cheng 1973: 11] syllable 音节 nitial 声母 final 韵母 edial 韵头 rime 韵 C = consonant nucleus 韵腹 ending 韵尾 G = glide V = vowel X = consonant or vowel C G V X k w a n k w a i m i
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