Языки и литературы тюркских народов

12 Asya, Afrika ve Avrupa kıtalarından gelmiş Başkent ve Hacettepe Üniversitesi Türkçe Öğretim Merkezlerinde okuyan 50 öğrencinin dil farkındalıkları iki alt başlık altında tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Turkish Dictionary wished to have two separate read and write in two languages, or be in the form of power and skills have been identified. A combination of two languages spoken in the region or country as the definition of bilingualism is actually a very complex area. A wide variety of definitions sourced the world's population, more than half of the bilingual and multilingual where claim that a little tongue-polish - mouth concepts at the point of linguists, a consensus could not be due to the fact you can say that. Ethnology in Turkey to be given as the number of languages and include 36 of the Kazakh, Kyrgyz, etc. under the names of the languages of Turkish dialects in Ghana has a population of 24,659,000 as shown or claim 80 languages besides language identification is also connected with language policy (www.ethnologue.com ). Multinational places, countries or economic colonialism that has become the center of attraction encountered in countries bilingualism/ multilingualism language is usually in the form of the spread of the decline of other languages is followed by a cruise. Official language status, factors such as education and training in the use of language plays an important role in development of the port. Language, next to being a tool for communication to gain a sense of belonging and identity symbol also has to function. Writing for communication, body language and so on, in languages other than beside the main language used. However, identity or affiliation in gaining a significant role in the native language and another language to be substituted, the same results can be obtained. Therefore, the creation of language awareness in children and teenagers, especially two / multi-lingual environment of language in the future, within the meaning of life is very important. In this paper comes by virtue of the importance of Asia, Africa and Europe have come from the Capital and studying at Hacettepe University Turkish Education Center 50 students awareness of the language was studied under two titles to be determined.