Языки и литературы тюркских народов

134 tir. Ayrıca modern dünyanın şiiri ve şiirin temsil ettiği şeyi itibarsızlaş- tıran yönüne dikkat çekilmiş olacaktır. Intertextuality is a phenomenon that is in practice in Turkish poet- ry long before it is introduced as a criterion of literariness by especially Kristeva and Barthes in 1960s. One of the dominant features of classi- cal Turkish poetry is that it was ‘polyphonic’, ‘polyglot’, and ‘polysemic’. Modern Turkish poetry pioneered by Yahya Kemal and Ahmet Haşim resorted to challenge classical poetry as well as maintaining classical poetry by regenerating its tradition. ‘Intertextuality’ became an impor- tant instrument in either way. This process which included ‘plagiarism’ arguments occasionally has acquired new content with postmodernism. Today, it is almost impossible to criticize modern Turkish poetry inde- pendently of intertextuality. The relation with its own tradition and the heritage of universal poetry, and the forms of this relation indicate the most distinctive characteristics of modern Turkish poetry. This presen- tation has an aim to study modern Turkish poetry in points of ‘rewrit- ing’, ‘intertextual techniques’, ‘text-poet-reader’ relation, and ‘intertex- tual figures’ by means of handling the text as a form that continues to function and sustain a construction process even after it is written. By this way, important evaluations and deductions about both the jour- ney of Turkish poetry from the beginning to present and the quality of poems which are being written at present and will be written in future can be made. Furthermore, it will be drawn attention to the poetry of modern world and the aspect depreciating what poetry represents. Ж.М. Юша Сказительство у тувинцев Китая: традиция и современность Zh.M. Yusha Epic tradition Tuvinians of China: tradition and modernity Тувинцы Китая — малочисленная этнолокальная группа, ком- пактно проживающая в населенных пунктах Алтайского аймака