Языки и литературы тюркских народов

91 молдурга=м=ны ма ң аа годовалый бычок=POSS/2SG=ACC здесь сал=ып=каш чадаг ма ң =на=п= сымза отпустить=PFV=CV 3 пешком бег=VBLZ=PFV= CONJ/1SG ‘Оставив здесь бычка, побежать бы мне пешком!’ Финитная форма на – са характеризуется высокой семантиче- ской сочетаемостью с глаголами разных лексико-семантических групп, регулярностю в языке и речи, а также передачей единого грамматического значения — обладание особой модальной семан- тикой нереального желания говорящего. A. Özcan Convergence of the Ottoman Empire and Russia in the 18 th Century and its Results XVIII. Yüzyılda Osmanlı-Rus Yakınlaşması ve Sonuçları Some political developments took place in Iran following the downfall of the Safevid in the first quarter of the 18 th century. The Afghans conquered the Kandahar in the East and founded a government there. Then, they conquered Herat, Kerman, Yazd, Mashhad and Isfahan, the centre of the Safavid State and captured Sultan Husayn, who had been on throne nearly for 30 years. Some prominent people of the Safavid State abducted Tahmasb, the son of the sultan, to Qazvin. Tahmasb came to Tabriz and declared himself the new Shah. In the meeting held in the centre city, the decision was taken that the neighbouring Iranian lands would be protected against the Afghans. The Ottoman state was of the opinion that with the end of the Safavid dynasty, the provisions of the Qasr-i Shirin Treaty would become invalid automatically. The Ottoman state even received letters from its bordering governors calling for a war to be declared to Iran. The Ottoman Empire started attacks at the Caucasian, Azerbaijan and Iraqi fronts to make use of that opportunity. Shayk al-Islam had