Языки и литературы тюркских народов
92 given fatwas in favour of these attacks as well. The Ottoman wanted to conquer the Western Iran before Afghanistan. Indeed, during these attacks, such Iranian cities as Kermanshah and Khoy were seized. These developments in Iran motivated the Sunnis in Shirvan as well. They conquered cities such as Shemah, Shabran and Eresh. They called out for help from the Ottoman State. They had been complaining about the Safavid who would turn their mosques into barns, burn their books and murder their scholars. The Ottoman state declared Davud Han as the han of the Shirvan and notified Moscow in that regard. It was not long before the developments in Iran motivated the Russian. They wanted to make use of that opportunity as well. Peter the Great proceeded to the coasts of the Caspian Sea and conquered Baku. The Ottoman State and Russia signed another treaty on 24 June 1724 as these developments unfolded. The reason is that the Russian Tsar who took Tahmasb, the son of Husayn, under his protection had taken from him the cities of Gilan, Mazandaran and Esterabad. Upon these developments, the Ottoman State and Russia signed a protocol of division. Accordingly, Russia would not interfere with the Iranian lands conquered by the Ottoman and the Ottoman would not interfere with the Iranian lands conquered by Russia. In the presentation, I will dwell on the developments preceding the treaty signed between Russian and the Ottoman Empire, the protocol of division and the following events. XVIII. asrın ilk çeyreğinde Safevi hanedanının inkırazı üzerine İran’da bazı siyasi gelişmeler oldu. Doğu’da Afganlar Kandehar’ı zapt ettiler ve orada bir hükümet kurdular. Ardından Herat, Kirman, Yezd, Meşhed ve Safevi devletinin merkezi Isfahan’ı da zapt ederek yakla- şık otuz yıldır tahtta bulunan Şah Hüseyin’i esir aldılar. Bazı Safevi ileri gelenleri şahın oğlu Tahmasb’ı Kazvin’e kaçırdılar. Daha sonra Tebriz’e gelen Tahmasb burada şahlığını ilan etti. Merkezde yapılan toplantıda güya komşu İran topraklarını Afgan- lardan koruma kararı çıktı. Osmanlı hükümeti Safevi hanedanının yıkılması ile Kasrışirin Antlaşması’nın hükümlerinin kendiliğinden kalktığı kanaatinde idi. Sınır valilerinden İran’a savaş açılması yolun- da mektuplar da gelmekteydi. Bu fırsattan yararlanmak isteyen Os- manlı hükümeti Kafkas, Azerbaycan ve Irak cephelerinde hücumlar
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